Exam webinar spring 2021

In the spring 2021 the exam office at HF and the institutes at HF arranged a webinar with the theme "How to make good Take home exams as replacement for School exams" 

Here you can find the four presentations from the programme:

All four presentations are made by language teachers, but they have valid points for all subjects.

Roar Lishaugen, ILOS, Czech language (sound recording + powerpoint)

Hildegunn Dirdal, ILOS, English language (powerpoint)

Carla El Khoury, IKOS, Arabic language (sound recording + powerpoint)

Chieh-Ting Lin, IKOS, Chinese language (sound recording + powerpoint )

Publisert 3. mai 2021 15:01 - Sist endret 3. mai 2021 15:01