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To external examiners of Master's thesis submissions in Inspera

You will find the Master's thesis in the digital examination system, Inspera. You are unable to use Inspera with Internet Explorer. Web browsers Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are therefore recommended.

1. Log in to Inspera

To make sure that you are able to log in to Inspera when you begin your assessment, please log in to Inspera in advance.

Log in to Inspera

  • Choose ... or with registered user.
  • Write your registered username you have received by e-mail.
  • If you do not remember your password, click on Forgot your password?
    • Enter your registered username in order to receive an e-mail to reset your password. Check your junk mail/spam if you do not receive the e-mail immediately.

2. Customise your notification settings

How to change the notification settings in Inspera:

  • Click on the bell symbol in the top right corner of the blue menu.
  • Go to Notification settings.
  • Remove the check under the envelope symbol to stop receiving e-mail notifications.

3. Find the Master's thesis in Inspera

How to find the Master's thesis:

  • Choose Grade in the blue top menu to open the grading tool.
  • Click on the course name, such as "ECON4091 1 Masteroppgave".
  • Click on the orange button Grade your candidates.
  • Click on the line showing a candidate number.
  • Click on the question number. You may see numerous lines if the exam text consists of several questions.
  • If needed, print and/or download the thesis.

4. Grading (if applicable)

  • Set your grade to the right of the thesis.
  • The next step is to Confirm your grades.
  • Click on the confirm button.
  • If your grade if different from the grade set by your co-examiner, you need to agree on the same grade.
  • When you have set a final grade, you confirm the final grading by clicking Confirm Final Grading. 
  • Download and print the grading protocol and sign it by hand.
Published Mar. 22, 2019 4:56 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2023 9:02 AM