Rules and routines

This page contains information about tasks, rules and routines for seminar leaders at the Department of Political Science (ISV).

Practical tasks

  • Attend seminar leader meeting before seminars start (usually week 4 in the spring, and weeks 34 in the autumn).
  • Attend meeting with course convenor and the other seminar leaders.
  • Contribute to course evaluation, coordinated by the course convenor.
  • Lead seminars (read more here).

Rules and routines

Change of seminar groups

Compulsory activity

  • Compulsory activity is a work requirement students must complete to be allowed to take the exam. The activities are written on the course page.
  • Additional seminar activities that are not written on the course page, are not to be presented as compulsory.
  • You register compulsory activities and attendance as approved/not approved in Canvas. See guide for more info.
  • NB! A registration deadline will be provided for each course on bachelor's level, by which all registrations must be completed. For master's courses, all compulsory activities must be registered no later than one week prior to the first exam.
  • If a student is at risk of failing a qualifying assignment, the course convenor must assess it. Contact Jenny (bachelor's) or Tone (master's) when you are unsure if a student meets the requirements.
  • Students who get a fail on their compulsory assignment, are entitled to get feedback that explains why. It is common to offer second attempts if their first submission fails. Ask the course convenor about whether this applies the course you are teaching.

  • You create assignments in Canvas (link to step-by-step guide). Papers and other assignments delivered by email will be inaccessible to admin and other members of staff, which can be problematic in case of illness. Students must therefore submit in Canvas.

Absence and extensions

  • Students must apply for valid absence from/postponement of compulsory activities.
  • It is the administration who handles the students' applications. You will be notified when students are granted valid absence / postponements.
  • It is important that you communicate the rules on absence clearly and unambiguously to the students. See the rules on the faculty webpage.

Individual adaptation

Cheating and plagiarism


  • ISV will lend you the course curriculum if the course convenor does not have extra or if it is not available at the University of Oslo Library.
  • Lecturers and seminar leaders can purchase textbooks in two ways: either with their own research funds (driftsmidler) or by providing the sub-project code (delprosjektskode) for BA/MA teaching when purchasing books in Akademika. Books purchased with the sub-project code must be returned by the end of the semester. Books purchased with research funds can be kept.
  • Contact Jenny de Figueiredo if you need the sub-project code to obtain seminar curriculum.

NB! Teachers shall not approve requests about absence from/postponements of compulsory activities, change of seminar groups, or individual adaptation. It is the administration who processes these applications.

Please be mindful when responding to students about administrative matters. We ask that you avoid phrases like: "It’s OK with me if it's OK with the administration", as it may create confusing situations should their request be declined later on.

We aim for equal treatment for all students, and we apply the same guidelines across seminar groups.This is why they have SV-info/the administration as their single point of contact for non-academic inquiries.


Publisert 15. mai 2024 11:04 - Sist endret 11. sep. 2024 10:49