Sommeravslutning 2024

Velkommen til ?rets sommeravslutning ved Institutt for offentlig rett!

Welcome to the Department of Public and International Law's summer closure event on June 18th! 

vann, himmel, bygg.



Vi f?r en omvisning p? det nye Munchmuseet fra 14:15 til 15:30. Vi skal deles inn i to grupper, med inntil 25 personer i hver gruppe. Gruppe 1 vil starte omvisningen klokken 14:15, mens gruppe 2 starter omvisningen 14:30. Dere vil bli delt inn i grupper p? forh?nd.

Samlingsutstillingen vi skal se heter Uendelig, les mer om utstillingen her

Merk at store vesker, ryggsekk, paraply, osv., m? oppbevares i garderoben. M?t derfor opp i god tid.

Etter omvisningen skal vi spise lunsj p? Dapper Bistro, som ligger et steinkast unna i Operagaten 36. 


P?melding gj?res via nettskjema. Merk at det bare er 50 plasser, og det er f?rstemann/f?rstekvinne til m?lla!


For our annual summer party, we are going on a guided tour of the new Munch Museum from 14:15 to 15:30. We will split into two groups, each with 25 people. Group 1 will start the tour at 14:15, followed by group 2 at 14:30. We will divide you into groups beforehand. 

The featured exhibition we will explore is titled Infinite. Read more about it here.

Please remember that large bags, backpacks, umbrellas, etc., must be stored in the cloakroom. Make sure to arrive a bit early to ensure we can start on time.

Following the tour, we will enjoy a meal at Dapper Bistro, conveniently located just around the corner at Operagaten 36. 


Secure your spot by filling out the nettskjema. There are only 50 spots available, and it's first-come, first-served. 



Institutt for offentlig rett
Publisert 13. mai 2024 14:00 - Sist endret 17. juni 2024 09:40