
Det internasjonale forskernettverket (IRN) ?Coast-inland dynamics in hunter-gatherer societies (PrehCOAST)? inviterer til et seminar som er ?pen for alle interesserte.


  • 10.00-10.05: Welcome
  • 10.05-10.30: The PrehCOAST-network and coast-inland relations in Mesolithic Western France.
    (Grégor Marchand, CNRS, University Rennes-1, France)
  • 10.30-10.55:The relevance of PrehCOAST for Southeast Norway
    (Almut Schülke, KHM, UiO, Norway)
  • 10.55-11.20: PrehCOAST and Northern Spain (working title)
    (Pablo Arias, University of Cantabria, Spain)
  • 11.20-11.45: The Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea and its place in the story of prehistory
    (Valdis Bērzi??, University of Latvia, Latvia)
  • 11.45-12.00: Questions and discussion

Alle er velkommen! Spre gjerne invitasjonen i ditt nettverk.

About PrehCOAST

The initial phase of the PrehCOAST research group (? Coast-inland dynamics in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies ?) involves researchers from Spain (Santander), France (Bordeaux, Brest, La Rochelle, Paris, Rennes, Toulouse), Latvia (Riga) and Norway (Oslo).

It integrates archaeologists, palaeo-environmentalists and archeobiologists involved in the exploration of coastal societies of Prehistoric hunter-gatherers (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic).

It aims to overcome certain national divisions in the assessment of cultural or environmental processes on a continental scale, but also to help develop archaeology adapted to similar parameters and constraints.

This concerns the very nature of these prehistoric societies whose subsistence is based on maritime resources, but also the concepts necessary to renew their study. Working in both marine and continental environments implies the use of geophysical prospecting methods or very particular excavations.

PrehCOAST is an International research network (IRN) supported by the CNRS, France, in the period 2020-2023.

Publisert 24. sep. 2019 09:59 - Sist endret 24. sep. 2019 09:59