Velkommen til sommerfest!

Du inviteres med dette til PSIs sommerseminar og grillfest torsdag 23. juni 2022.

Etter konferanseprogrammet blir det grillfest i hagen

Etter seminaret blir det grillfest i hagen. Foto: Svein Harald Milde

English version below

Seminaret finner sted i v?rt eget flotte Harald Schjelderups hus i storsalen Auditorium 4. Etter seminaret trekker festen ut i hagen, der noe forfriskende, grillbuffet med grillmestre, servit?rer, hageleker og dans st?r p? menyen.

Forel?pig program

Tema: Nytt fra fagavdelingene
15.00-15.05 Velkommen Bj?rn Lau
15.05-15.25 Psychological reactions to war and trauma: PSI's support for psychologists, psychology students and other helpers Gulnaz Anjum, MAKS
15.30-15.50 In search of factors influencing or not influencing brain and cognition - results from the Lifebrain 2020 project and beyond

Kristine Walhovd, leder LCBC

15.50-16.10 Sprudlende pause i foajeen  
16.10-16.30 BalanseHub: Improving Gender Balance and Diversity at the Department of Psychology Kristine Jacobsen, Personaladministrasjon
16.30–16:50 Characteristics, Predictors and Treatment of Long Covid Sverre Urnes Johnson, Klinisk avdeling
16:50-17:10 Genetic and Geographic risk for Maternal Depression— the idea, results, and future directions

Ziada Ayorech, PROMENTA, HUP


Noe forfriskende i hagen

18:30 Grillbuffet  

Deretter blir det hageleker og musikk for de som har lyst til ? ha det g?y utover kvelden. Arrangementet avsluttes kl 00:00.

  • Ingen inngangspenger. Alle ansatte ?nskes hjertelig velkommen!

Frist for p?melding er 12. juni!


Welcome to PSIs summer seminar and barbecue party

You are hereby invited to PSIs summer seminar and following barbecue party Thursday June 23rd. The seminar and party is for all employees, both permanent and temporary academic staff, and the administration.

The seminar takes place in our grand hall, Auditorium 4, Harald Schjelderup’s Hus, After the seminar, the party pulls out into the garden, where a refreshing starter, barbeque made by grillchefs and waiters, some garden games and maybe some swingin's awaiting.

Tentative Programme

Theme: News from the Sections
3-3:05 pm Welcome Bj?rn Lau
3:05-3:25 pm

Psychological reactions to war and trauma: PSI's support for psychologists, psychology students and other helpers

Gulnaz Anjum, MAKS
3:30-3:50 pm In search of factors influencing or not influencing brain and cognition - results from the Lifebrain 2020 project and beyond Kristine Walhovd, Head of LCBC
3:50-4:10 pm

Bubbling break

4:10-4.30 pm

BalanseHub: Improving Gender Balance and Diversity at the Department of Psychology

Kristine Jacobsen, HR
4:30–4:50 pm

Characteristics, Predictors and Treatment of Long Covid

Sverre Urnes Johnson, Clinical Section
4:50-5:10 pm Genetic and Geographic risk for Maternal Depression— the idea, results, and future directions

Ziada Ayorech, PROMENTA, HUP

5:15 pm

Refreshing quencher awaits in the garden

6:30 pm Barbeque  

For those who want to have fun throughout the evening, the party continues with garden games and dance music after the barbeque. The event ends at 00:00 AM

  • No Admission. All staff is welcome!

Attendance registration is mandatory in the link below by June 12th. See you there!


Publisert 27. mai 2022 06:00 - Sist endret 9. juni 2022 10:35