Norwegian version of this page

Electronic attendance registration

Below you will find a guide for how seminar leaders and lecturers can register attendance electronic.

Overview of the information on this page: 

Who should use electronic attendance registration?

Guidance for electronic attendance registration

Fagpersonweb - how to add a shortcut on your smartphone 


Who should use electronic attendance registration?

  • In all subjects with compulsory attendance in seminars or lectures, we will use electronic attendance registration. This applies to seminars with 25 of fewer students.
  • Everyone responsible for compulsory seminars and lectures with more than 25 students can choose between electronic registration or registration using attendance lists.

Guidance for electronic attendance registration

1) Open this link:

2) Choose instiution: 

3) Select ?Universitetet i Oslo? from the drop-down menu and choose ?velg?:


4) For employees with FEIDE-user: Choose “P?logging via Feide”. Your username and password are the same as your log in-info at UiO-computers

For not UiO guests without FEIDE-user: Choose ?Login via ID-porten med MinID, BankID, Buypass eller Commfides?



5) You are now logged in to your own Fagpersonweb and on the front page you can see an overview of your subjects this semester. (You can set the site to English).

Do not click on the subjects on the front page, but go to "Take attendance" on the top left of the page.

6) If the ?Timeplan? is empty, you do not have any seminars or lectures today.

It is not possible to register attendance ahead of time, only backwards in time or on today’s date. Choose the date you want to register attendance in the calendar on the right.


7) You can now choose between your seminars on the chosen date. Click on the seminar for which you want to register attendance (gray box).

8) You will now see an overview of student enrolled in your seminar. The student’s image will also be displayed, if the student has consented to this.


9) To register attendance, click on the box with the student's name. Students who attended the seminar will be marked with a green check mark and green background.


How to register several students at once 

To register more than one students at a time, select the “choose all”-button. You can opt out students before you click the “Register attendance”-button


Your registration of attendance is visible for students in StudentWeb. That way, students can keep track of their own attendance during the semester


Add a note

It is possible to add a note to the attendance by clicking on the green tick in the box. NB! The student can see what you write on this note in Studentweb. Can be used, for example, if a student is late to the seminar.



How to remove attendance

If you need to remove a registered students attendance, click on the students name. If attendance is to be deleted, a note is required. All notes you post in Fagpersonweb are visible to the student in Studentweb. An unregistered student will have a gray background color

If a student is not enrolled in your seminar

It is possible to look up students who are not enrolled in your seminar, as long as they are enrolled in teaching the same semester. Press "Add Student" and look up the student's name.


Fagpersonweb - how to add a shortcut on your smartphone

1) Open this link on your phone: and find the menu in your browser::

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, font, linje.

2) Choose  "Legg til p? startsiden":

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, font, linje.

3) Now you have a direct link to Fagpersonweb on your home screen:

Bildet kan inneholde: skjermbilde, font, linje, grafisk design, teknologi.

Published Oct. 1, 2020 1:52 PM - Last modified Oct. 1, 2020 2:05 PM