Tidligere arrangementer - Side 21

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica

Adelheid H. Hillestad vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. under Det teologiske fakultet: "Menneskelig(ere) m?ter: Om samhandling, fellesskap og empati mellom beboere i en skjermet avdeling p? sykehjem."

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, auditorium U40

Adelheid Hillestad avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne.

Tid og sted: , HumSam Biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups Hus

This edition of the PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club will help with job applications within and beyond academia. :)

Free Breakfast included so SIGN UP ON THE REGISTRATION LINK!

Tid og sted: , Room 305, Faculty of Theology
Tid og sted: , Room 205, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Lucy Smith's House (Hannah Back Room, 10th floor)
UiODoc’s Annual General Assembly (AGM) which will take place on May 16th. Since we at UiODoc wish to represent YOU and YOUR worries, troubles, and needs in the best possible manner, we need YOUR participation.


Not everybody has to or can contribute actively as a member of the executive body (although we are looking for such candidates - see below), but nevertheless it is time well-spent to share your thoughts with others that are sitting in the same boot.
So, if you have not register yet please do so at 
Free tapas will be served afterwards!
Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

The Oslo Lectures in New Testament and Early Christian Studies proudly presents Dr. Holger Zellentin, Lecturer in Classical Rabbinic Judaism at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

Tid og sted: , Teologisk bibliotek, Domus Theologica

Dr. Holger Zellentin er dosent i klassisk rabbinsk j?dedom ved Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

Tid og sted: , room 301, Faculty of Theology

2: Theories and methods in the discipline of ethics.

3: Case studies relating to research ethics.

Tid og sted: , HumSam Biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups Hus

In this edition of the PhD (and Postdoc :) ) Breakfast Club, we are discussing how to use Google Scholar in a proficient way.

Free Breakfast included so sign up below. Start your day well!

Tid og sted: , Room 305, Faculty of Theology
Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

The Oslo Lectures in New Testament and Early Christian Studies proudly presents Dr. Brent Nongbri, Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Ancient History at the Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.

Tid og sted: , Teologisk Bibliotek

Den relativt like ordlyden vi finner i evangeliene etter Matteus, Markus og Lukas har reist sp?rsm?let om det litter?re forholdet mellom tekstene og er kjent som det ?synoptiske problem?.

Tid og sted: , Escape Cafe, Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalléen 23 B, 0373 Oslo

A chance to meet PhDs, Postdocs and other temporary researchers across the university! UiODoc is pleased to invite you to a public screening of "Dr Strangelove" and a social with FREE PIZZA (sign up below). Please come along and mingle! 

Tid og sted: , HumSam Biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups Hus

In this edition of the PhD (and Postdoc :) ) Breakfast Club, we are discussing how to use outreach to boost your academic career. Free Breakfast included so sign up below. Start your day well!

Tid og sted: , Faculty of Theology

Preliminary Program

(Per 18 Feb 2019; minor changes to be expected)

Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Room 214, Faculty of Theology
Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrom 1

Are you considering, or are in the process of writing the "kappe" for an article-based thesis? This workshop is for you! 

Sign up here as there are a limited number of places: https://nettskjema.no/a/113723?

Tid og sted: , HumSam Biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups Hus

In this edition of the PhD (and Postdoc :) ) Breakfast Club, we are discussing how to write a grant proposal. Free Breakfast included so sign up below. Start your day well!

Tid og sted: , Room 202, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , 12th Floor, Niels Treschow Hus

We need PhDs and Postdocs to come and share their thoughts about how their experience of university services can be improved. Come for an informal group chat with UiODoc reps. FREE PIZZA LUNCH!!! Sign up here: https://nettskjema.no/a/112219?

Tid og sted: , Room 205, Domus Theologica

With Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , The library, Faculty of Theology

Library orientation and EndNote