Tidligere arrangementer - Side 5

Tid og sted: , Campion Hall, University of Oxford

Several recent publications have invoked the idea of ‘deep time’ as a way of thinking about human impacts on the long-term planetary future. They call us to rethink human and social temporalities in the context of planetary timescales.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

Hvert ?r arrangerer Universitetet i Oslo en faglig-pedagogisk dag for l?rere og andre interesserte. Det teologiske fakultet deltar med forelesninger knyttet til religionsfaget i skolen. 

Tid og sted: , U40

Topic: Ethical questions related to research on Islam and Muslims

Tid og sted: , Informatikksalen 5462, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus

Let's celebrate this year's Halloween with us!

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Which are the positions, reflections of Christian churches in the current European migration context?  How is theology responding to the permanent mobility of people trying to enter “Fortress Europe”?

Tid og sted: , U311

The wordplay Po/et(h)ics captures the interrelatedness of ethics and aesthetics. Dorothea Erbele-Küster shall explain this concept along the lines of Psalm 34 by emphasizing the role sensory perceptions and emotions play in the text and in the reception process. 

Tid og sted: , Teologisk bibliotek

According to biblical texts, our relationship to the world, to others, to God and to ourselves is anchored in our human corporality and vulnerability. The lecture explores the fundamental role of the body for conceptualizing the anthropology of the Hebrew Bible. Insights from cultural anthropology and also phenomenological philosophy will be considered.

Tid og sted: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

This month in the PPBC: Learn to Manage Stress and Mental health with Us!


Dekanatet inviterer de vitenskapelig ansatte til et m?nedlig m?te. 


Tid avsatt til forskergruppearrangementer i undervisningsfri tid p? onsdager. 

Tid og sted: , U205
Tid og sted: , Zoom

Welcome to the launching of the book Complexities of Spiritual Care in Plural Societies

Tid og sted: , U40
Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

Tema: Kropp og kirkerom – materialitet og sansing

Tid og sted: , The faculty foajee

Meet the project group, hear about our recent findings and join us for drinks and snacks.

Tid og sted: , U40

Parables of Jesus in the Third Reich: Antisemitic Bible Adaptation in the Volkstestament (Die Botschaft Gottes, 1940).

Tid og sted: , Stort m?terom (2531) i Georg Sverdrups hus

This Afternoon Tea: Plan your academic career with us!

Tid og sted: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

This month in the PPBC: Tap into the World of Science Communication with Us!

Tid og sted: , Scene HumSam

Velkommen til samtale mellom Notto Thelle og Halvor Eifring om boken "Veiens visdom og vandringens poesi. Fire japanske vandrepoeter".


Tid avsatt til forskergruppearrangementer i undervisningsfri tid p? onsdager.