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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 75

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom 6, Harald Schjeldrups hus

Maria Witek (Birmingham) will lecture on "Musical Groove: Effect on pleasure, body-movement and the brain".

Tid og sted: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Vasiliki Skreta is a Professor at University College London. She will present a paper entitled "Mechanism Design with Limited Commitment: An Information Design Approach", co-authored by Laura Doval.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3508

By Folmer Bokma from Ume? University, Sweden 

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2 (2nd floor), School of Pharmacy, UiO

Dr. Rebecca Broomly from University of Manchester will give a lecture on neurodevelopment of children born to mothers with epilepsy. 

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Ingunn Wehus, Researcher, ITA

Tid og sted: , Seminar room "Hurricane"
Tid og sted: , Hotel Bristol

A seminar in the honour of Erik B?lviken at his 70’th birthday.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo

Dr. Mika R?met, of PEDEGO research unit, University of Oulo, Finland, will give a talk titled, "Zebrafish as a model to study Mycobacterial infection". 

Tid og sted: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas is the S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management at the University of California, Berkeley. He will present a paper entitled "The Economics of Sovereign Debt, Bailouts and the Eurozone Crisis", co-authored by Philippe Martin and Todd Messer.

Tid og sted: , Room VIA, 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐sparken

Ankur Garg, PhD, will give a talk titled, "Structural and functional analysis of ribonuclease ZC3H12C mediated regulation of immune responses"

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Anders Kvellestad, Department Physics, UiO

Tid og sted: , P. A. Munchs hus, room 389

Lecture by Gabriele Iannàccaro, University of Milano-Bicocca

Tid og sted: , Seminar room "End of the Line"
Tid og sted: , Gates of Eden, Ullev?l stadion (Sognsveien 77 B, 2nd floor)

Kostiantyn Ralchenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a lecture with the title: Maximum likelihood estimation for drift parameter of Gaussian process.

Tid og sted: , Gates of Eden, Ullev?l stadion (Sognsveien 77 B, 2nd floor)

Yuliia Mishura (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a lecture with the title: Fractional Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process and its applications to financial markets.

Tid og sted: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Attila Lindner is an Assistant Professor at University College London.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Andrius Popovas, ITA

Tid og sted: , Room VIA, Forskingsparken

Marieke Kuijjer, of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard T.H. School of Public Health, will give a talk titled: "Understanding cancer using integrative network models"

Tid og sted: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Joseph Harrington is the Patrick T. Harker Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He will present a paper entitled "Collusion through Coordination of Announcements", co-authored by Lixin Ye.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room "End of the Line"
Tid og sted: , Cinemateket, Lillebil

Join us for the screening of Pili, a feature length drama set in rural Tanzania reflecting the life a poor, HIV-positive single mother of two children. The film will be followed by a Q&A with Dr Sophie Harman, producer of the film and researcher in International Relations/Global Health (QMUL).

Tid og sted: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Claudia Steinwender is an Assistant Professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. She will present a paper entitled "Spinning the web: The impact of ICT on trade in intermediates and technology diffusion", co-authored by Réka Juhász.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

On Friday, instead of the ordinary institute seminar, we'll have Friday mingle in the lobby. We will celebrate some of the Institute's history and past research leaders with an extra good birthday cake, so please come! It will be time to chat and hear what people are doing. Friday at 11.00 in the lobby.

Tid og sted: , Hurricane, Ullev?l

Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (NTNU) will give a talk with title: Moment-cumulant relations in noncommutative probability and shuffle-exponentials

Abstract: In this talk we consider monotone, free, and boolean moment-cumulant relations from the shuffle algebra viewpoint. Cumulants are described as infinitesimal characters over a particular combinatorial Hopf algebra, which is neither commutative nor cocommutative. As a result the moment-cumulant relations can be encoded in terms of shuffle and half-shuffle exponentials. These shuffle exponentials and the corresponding logarithms permit to express monotone, free, and boolean cumulants in terms of each other using the pre-Lie Magnus expansion. If time permits we will revisit additive convolution in monotone, free and boolean probability and related aspects. Based on joint work with F. Patras (CNRS).

Tid og sted: , SUM, Sognsveien 68, Oslo, Seminar room on 4th floor

In this seminar drawing from a combined epidemiological and ethnographic study, Dr Freya Jephcott (Queen's College Cambridge), will unpack the consequences of involving different types of actors, both national and international, in the response to a mysterious outbreak in Ghana (2012). Come and join us for an interesting discussion!