Organizers and contact

The event is a joint venture between

Kultrans and the following projects:

Animals as objects and animals as signs – standardisation and visualization of animals

Biosecurity Borderlands: Making biosecurity work in a complex landscape

Nature and Science in Politics and Everyday Practices

Newcomers to the farm

The Research network “DRUGS”.


Organizing committee

  Kristin Asdal, Centre for technology, innovation and culture (TIK), University of Oslo, (UiO)
  Christoph Gradmann, Institute of General Practice and Community Medicine (IASAM), UiO
  Steve Hinchliffe, Department of Geography, The University of Exeter
  Marianne Lien, Department of Social Anthropology, UiO
  Kristina Sk?den, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, UiO
  Liv Emma Thorsen, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, UiO