****************************** University of Oslo app profile ****************************** Language ¨C Setting and selecting ----------------------------------------------- Set document language by editing the lang attribute on the HTML tag. Examples: Norwegian bokm?l = English = The following elements will change depending on the lang attribute: - UiO logos in header and footer. - Language selection marker in header language menu. - Log-out button text in header user menu. - Skip-to-main-content-link at page top (only visible on keyboard focus). Notice how the "language-dependent" class is used. Selecting language in the header menu changes the lang attribute. Global CSS rules ----------------------------------------------- Font sizing - 1rem = 10px (so 2rem = 20px, 2.4rem = 24px etc.) - body = 1.8rem (18px) Responsive breakpoints - @media (min-width: 1101px) - @media (max-width: 1100px) Outer width and side-spacing The "app-global-wrapper" class: - Controls global max-width and side-spacing. - It is used in all outer framework containers. - It can be edited for the app area only in the app-main css. Using and editing the files ----------------------------------------------- In general what should be used and edited is: - The main app area in the HTML file - The app-main CSS file. When editing other areas and files, consider: - What is technologically necessary. - Commenting out and overriding rather than changing. - How potential future updates of the framework should be handled. ************** Files included ************** uio-app-template.html ----------------------------------------------- HTML framework. See comments in file. style/uio-app-global.css ----------------------------------------------- CSS for the general framework. Contains global rules and some reusable classes. style/uio-app-header.css ----------------------------------------------- CSS for the top area. Styles for responsive menu behaviour. style/uio-app-footer.css ----------------------------------------------- CSS for the bottom area. style/uio-app-main.css ----------------------------------------------- CSS for the main app area. See comments on how to edit the size and spacing for your main app area etc. style/uio-app-notifications.css ----------------------------------------------- CSS for notification boxes. The notifications are commented out in the HTML file. Uncomment and use as needed. privacy-notification = UiO's standard cookie warning. info-notification = for app-related notifications. script/uio-app-header.js ----------------------------------------------- Controls language-menu and user-menu in header. Controls language menu selection and HTML lang attribute. Controls responsive-menu-button on small screen. Detects screen width and applies necessary header logic. script/uio-app-privacy-notification.js ----------------------------------------------- Handles privacy-notification. The notification is commented out in the HTML file. Uncomment and use as needed. The script will hide the notification if clicked away by user. Visibility is controlled by the [hidden] attribute in the HTML. images folder ----------------------------------------------- Interface images: Logos, icons, arrows etc.