RITMO Largo 2019

RITMO has been fully operational for one year, and we are eager to show and tell about what we have been doing so far. Welcome to RITMO Largo, our annual conference!

RITMOs grafiske merke

As can be seen in the annual report from 2018, RITMO has grown to its operational size, and a number of different activities have been started up.

One of the things we are most proud of, is the truly interdisciplinary nature of RITMO. Everyone is talking about the need to work across disciplines, but not so many really try to do this in practice.

The plan is that RITMO Largo will be our annual conference, at which we will present ongoing research. In 2018 the conference coincided with our official opening. In 2019 we will primarily present ongoing research, which is still at an early stage. Later years the focus will shift more towards results.

In addition to the oral and poster presentations by RITMO members, we are also happy to draw on the resources of our fabulous Scientific Advisory Board. This year we are happy to present a lecture by the world-leading neuroscientist Robert T. Knight (UC Berkeley). There will also be time for mingling and meeting new and old friends.



Time What & where
Monday 16 September
9:30-10:15 Coffee

RITMO's research program: Short presentations by all of RITMO's faculty members




RITMO's kitchen area


Music video interlude

RITMO's kitchen area


RITMO's research program: Poster session with PhD's and Postdoc's

RITMO's kitchen area
You are also invited to visit our labs.

Tuesday 17 September

RITMO Seminar Series: Open lecture by Robert T. Knight (University of Californa, Berkeley )




RITMO's kitchen area
You are also invited to visit our labs.

Published Aug. 29, 2019 3:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 12:58 PM