Laura Bishop

Image of Laura Bishop
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Visiting address 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐sv. 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1133 Blindern 0318 Oslo

Research Interests

My research focuses on the cognitive processes involved in creative musical interaction. I am especially interested in how creative collaboration unfolds in the context of skilled music ensemble performance, when predictability and coordination must be balanced with flexibility and spontaneity. To address this question I run experiments investigating ensemble musicians' communicative behaviour; in particular, their body gestures and visual attention. I also look at how this behaviour is perceived by others (co-performers or audience members).


  • 2013-2019: Postdoctoral researcher, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI), Vienna, Austria
  • 2013: PhD in music cognition, MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University, Australia
  • 2008: MSc in psychology, University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2007: BSc (Honours) in psychology, University of Toronto, Canada


  • 2020-2023: "Achieving Togetherness in Ensemble Performance", Austrian Science Fund, based at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
  • 2016-2019: "CoCreate: Coordination and Collaborative Creativity in Music Ensembles", Austrian Science Fund, based at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 
Tags: Music Cognition, Music and Movement, Social cognition, Musical interaction


  • D'Amario, Sara; Ternstr?m, Sten; Goebl, Werner & Bishop, Laura (2023). Body motion of choral singers. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1220904.
  • D'Amario, Sara; Ternstr?m, Sten; Goebl, Werner & Bishop, Laura (2023). Impact of singing togetherness and task complexity on choristers' body motion. In D'Amario, Sara; Ternstr?m, Sten & Friberg, Anders (Ed.), Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. ISSN 978-91-8040-865-3.
  • D'Amario, Sara; Schmidbauer, Harald; Roesch, Angi; Goebl, Werner; Niemand, Anna Maria & Bishop, Laura (2023). Interperformer coordination in piano-singing duo performances: phrase structure and empathy impact. Psychological Research. ISSN 0340-0727. 87, p. 2559–2582. doi: 10.1007/s00426-023-01818-8.
  • Riaz, Maham; Upham, Finn; Burnim, Kayla; Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Comparing inertial motion sensors for capturing human micromotion, Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023. SMC Network . ISSN 978-91-527-7372-7. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8316051. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bishop, Laura & Goebl, Werner (2023). Joint shaping of musical time: How togetherness emerges in music ensemble performance. In W?llner, Clemens & London, Justin (Ed.), Performing Time. Synchrony and Temporal Flow in Music and Dance. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192896254.
  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel & Laeng, Bruno (2023). Mental Effort and Expressive Interaction in Expert and Student String Quartet Performance. Music & Science. ISSN 2059-2043. 6. doi: 10.1177/20592043231208000.
  • Smetana, Monika; Bishop, Laura & Stepniczka, Irene (2023). Interfaces of dialogue: A mixed methods approach to investigating intersubjectivity in dyadic improvisations. Music & Science. ISSN 2059-2043. 6, p. 1–32. doi: 10.1177/20592043231203807.
  • H?ffding, Simon & Bishop, Laura (2023). Tightness and looseness: Where to find it and how to measure it? Commentary on "Musical engagement as a duet of tight synchrony and loose interpretability" on Rabinowitch. Physics of Life Reviews. ISSN 1571-0645. doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2023.09.001.
  • Herrebr?den, Henrik; Espeseth, Thomas & Bishop, Laura (2023). Mental Effort in Elite and Nonelite Rowers. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). ISSN 0895-2779. 45(4), p. 208–223. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2022-0164. Full text in Research Archive
  • Herrebr?den, Henrik; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Espeseth, Thomas; Bishop, Laura & Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina (2023). Cognitive load causes kinematic changes in both elite and non-elite rowers. Human Movement Science. ISSN 0167-9457. 90. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2023.103113. Full text in Research Archive
  • H?ffding, Simon; Yi, Wenbo; Lippert, Eigil; Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo; Bishop, Laura & Laeng, Bruno [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Into the Hive-Mind: Shared Absorption and Cardiac Interrelations in Expert and Student String Quartets. Music & Science. ISSN 2059-2043. 6. doi: 10.1177/20592043231168597. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bishop, Laura (2023). Focus of Attention Affects Togetherness Experiences and Body Interactivity in Piano Duos. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. ISSN 1931-3896. doi: 10.1037/aca0000555.
  • Akca, Merve; Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina; Laeng, Bruno & Bishop, Laura (2023). Recognition of brief sounds in rapid serial auditory presentation. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 18(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284396. Full text in Research Archive
  • Akca, Merve; Bishop, Laura; Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina & Laeng, Bruno (2022). Human voices escape the auditory attentional blink: Evidence from detections and pupil responses. Brain and Cognition. ISSN 0278-2626. 165. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2022.105928. Full text in Research Archive
  • D'Amario, Sara; Goebl, Werner & Bishop, Laura (2022). Judgment of togetherness in performances by musical duos. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.997752. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bishop, Laura & Keller, Peter E. (2022). Instrumental ensembles. In McPherson, Gary E. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 2. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780190058869. Full text in Research Archive
  • Krzyzaniak, Michael Joseph & Bishop, Laura (2022). Professor Plucky—Expressive body motion in human- robot musical ensembles. In Carlson, Kristin (Eds.), MOCO '22: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISSN 978-1-4503-8716-3. doi: 10.1145/3537972.3537983. Full text in Research Archive
  • Smetana, Monika; Stepniczka, Irene & Bishop, Laura (2022). COME_IN: A qualitative framework for content, meanings and intersubjectivity in free dyadic improvisations. Nordic journal of music therapy. ISSN 0809-8131. p. 1–22. doi: 10.1080/08098131.2022.2084638. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bishop, Laura; Cancino-Chacón, Carlos Eduardo & Goebl, Werner (2022). Beyond synchronization: Body gestures and gaze direction in duo performance. In Timmers, Renee; Bailes, Freya & Daffern, Helena (Ed.), Together in Music: Coordination, expression, participation. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198860761. p. 182–188. doi: https:/
  • Bishop, Laura; Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo; Laeng, Bruno; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & H?ffding, Simon (2021). Move like everyone is watching: Social context affects head motion and gaze in string quartet performance. Journal of New Music Research. ISSN 0929-8215. doi: 10.1080/09298215.2021.1977338.
  • Bishop, Laura; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Laeng, Bruno (2021). Musical and Bodily Predictors of Mental Effort in String Quartet Music: An Ecological Pupillometry Study of Performers and Listeners. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.653021. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2020). Reliability of two infrared motion capture systems in a music performance setting. In Spagnol, Simone & Valle, Andrea (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference. Axea sas/SMC Network. ISSN 978-88-945415-0-2. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Laeng, Bruno & Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Mental effort and expressive interaction in expert and student string quartet performance.
  • Bishop, Laura & Upham, Finn (2023). Bodies in Concert.
  • Martin, Remy Richard; Cross, Ian; Upham, Finn; Bishop, Laura; S?rb?, Solveig & ?land, Frederik (2023). What can one learn from more naturalistic concert research?
  • Riaz, Maham; Upham, Finn; Burnim, Kayla; Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Comparing inertial motion sensors for capturing human micromotion.
  • Bishop, Laura; Niemand, Anna Maria; D'Amario, Sara & Goebl, Werner (2023). Coordinated head motion predicts cognitive effort and experiences of musical togetherness in singing-piano duos.
  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel & Laeng, Bruno (2023). Mental effort and expressive interaction in expert and student string quartet performance.
  • Bishop, Laura; Bonnin, Geoffray & Frey, Jeremy (2023). Analyzing physiological data collected during music listening: An introduction.
  • D'Amario, Sara; Ternstr?m, Sten; Goebl, Werner & Bishop, Laura (2023). Impact of singing togetherness and task complexity on choristers' body motion.
  • Herrebr?den, Henrik; Espeseth, Thomas & Bishop, Laura (2023). Cognitive load affects effort, performance, and kinematics in elite and non-elite rowers. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). ISSN 0895-2779. 45(S1), p. S83–S83. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2023-0077.
  • Akca, Merve; Bishop, Laura; Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina & Laeng, Bruno (2022). Tracing the Temporal Limits of Auditory Information Processing with Pupillometry.
  • Bishop, Laura (2022). Emergent coordination of ancillary gestures motivates musical and interperformer engagement during group music-making.
  • Bishop, Laura & Laeng, Bruno (2022). Expertise modulates the relationship between musical demands and mental effort.
  • Bishop, Laura (2022). Intersubjectivity and musical togetherness: What is the overlap?
  • Bishop, Laura (2022). Attention focus affects togetherness and body interactivity in piano duos.
  • Bishop, Laura (2022). Shared attention and shared expressive goals affect classical piano duos' playing quality and experiences of togetherness.
  • Krzyzaniak, Michael Joseph & Bishop, Laura (2022). Professor Plucky—Expressive body motion in human- robot musical ensembles.
  • Bishop, Laura (2022). Review of “Performing music research: Methods in music education, psychology, and performance science”. Music & Science. ISSN 2059-2043. doi: 10.1177/20592043221125318.
  • Bishop, Laura & Goebl, Werner (2021). Shaping musical ensemble performance: How ensemble musicians come up with a shared interpretation.
  • Bishop, Laura & Goebl, Werner (2021). Togetherness in expressive musical interaction: Effects of social presence on head motion, gaze, and arousal.
  • Bishop, Laura; Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo; Laeng, Bruno; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & H?ffding, Simon (2021). Social context affects head motion and gaze in string quartet rehearsal and concert performance.
  • Bishop, Laura (2021). Musical togetherness: The social and artistic rewards of ensemble playing.
  • Smetana, Monika; Bishop, Laura & Stepniczka, Irene (2020). Dialogue in music therapy piano partner-play improvisations: First results from an exploratory feasibility study.
  • Stepniczka, Irene; Bishop, Laura & Smetana, Monika (2020). Meaningful situations during “partner-play” improvisations: A feasibility study applying a mixed methods approach.
  • Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2020). Reliability of two infrared motion capture systems in a music performance setting.

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Published Sep. 11, 2019 9:16 AM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2023 2:54 PM