
The NIME conference is organized by the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Academy of Music, in collaboration with NOTAM, BEK, NTNU, Simula and the Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine.

About the institutions

University of Oslo celebrates its 200 year anniversary in 2011. With 30 000 students and 6000 employees, UiO is the largest university in Norway. The departments of Musicology and Informatics have through the fourMs laboratory established an environment for basic research on NIME related topics.

Norwegian Academy of Music is Norway’s largest music education institution and offers the highest level of education for performers and composers, pedagogues and music therapists. The Academy’s R&D activities consist of artistic development, research and professional development. With around 300 concerts per year, the Academy is Oslo’s biggest concert producer.

NOTAM – Norwegian Centre for Technology in Music and Arts – supports composers, musicians, artists and students in related fields.  Activities inlcude artistic and scientific research, education, technical and theoretical assistance, as well as support in use of technical resources and production of events for the general public.

BEK – Bergen Center for Electronic Arts – is a non-profit organization situated in Bergen, the second largest city in Norway. BEK works with both artistic and scientific research and development and puts into practice an amount of mixed artistic projects.

Simula Research Laboratory carries out research with long-term impact in the fields of networks and distributed systems, scientific computing and software engineering. This is combined with both teaching of postgraduate students and development of commercial applications.

NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is Norway’s leading technical research and education institution. NTNU has 20.000 students and celebrates it’s centennial in 2010. NTNU offers a 5 year (bachelor and master) programme in music technology and has approximately 100 music technology students.

COST Action IC0601 on Sonic Interaction Design is a European ICT Action structured into four Working Groups focussing on the perceptual, cognitive, and emotional study of sonic interactions (WG 1), product sound design (WG 2), interactive art and music (WG 3) and sonification (WG 4). Davide Rocchesso is the chair of the action. The Exhibition on Sonic Interaction Design at NIME 2011 is part of the final event of this Action, curated by Trond Lossius and Frauke Behrendt, and produced by BEK.


Conference chairs

Track chairs

  • Research chairs: Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Rolf Inge God?y
  • Music chairs: Kjell Tore Innervik, Ivar Frounberg
  • Demonstration chairs: Dan Overholt, Alexander Refsum Jensenius
  • Installation chairs: Kjell Tore Innervik, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Dan Overholt
  • Tutorial chairs: Alexander Eichhorn, Alexander Refsum Jensenius
  • SID exhibition curators: Trond Lossius, Frauke Behrendt
  • Symposium chairs: J?ran Rudi, Notto Thelle
  • Art.on.Wires chair: Alexander Eichhorn

Local committee

  •     Research Fellow Frauke Behrendt (CoDE, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge)
  •     Professor ?yvind Brandtsegg (Music technology, NTNU)
  •     Senior Research Fellow Alexander Eichhorn (Simula)
  •     Professor Ivar Frounberg (Norwegian Academy of Music)
  •     Professor Rolf Inge God?y (Musicology, University of Oslo)
  •     Research coordinator Trond Lossius (BEK – Bergen Electronic Arts Centre)
  •     Ass. Professor Dan Overholt (Medialogy, Aalborg University)
  •     Artistic and Research Director J?ran Rudi (NOTAM – Norwegian Centre for Technology in Music and Arts)
  •     Professor Jim T?rresen (Informatics, University of Oslo)


We are very grateful for the support of our sponsors:

Published Oct. 10, 2020 9:15 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 2:49 PM