
Demo session C – Monday 30 May 13:30-14:30

Yasuo Kuhara and Daiki Kobayashi.
Kinetic particles synthesizer using multi-touch screen interface of
mobile devices
(Pages 136-137).


Christopher Carlson, Eli Marschner, and Hunter Mccurry.
The sound flinger: A haptic spatializer.
(Pages 138-139).


Ravi Kondapalli and Benzhen Sung.
Daft datum: an interface for producing music through foot-based
(Pages 140-141).


Charles Martin and Chi-Hsia Lai.
Strike on stage: a percussion and media performance.
(Pages 142-143).



Demo session H – Tuesday 31 May 13:30-14:30

Yu-Chung Tseng, Che-Wei Liu, Tzu-Heng Chi, and Hui-Yu Wang.
Sound low fun.
(Pages 320-321).


Edgar Berdahl and Chris Chafe.
Autonomous new media artefacts (autonma).
(Pages 322-323).


Min-Joon Yoo, Jin-Wook Beak, and In-Kwon Lee.
Creating musical expression using kinect.
(Pages 324-325).


Staas De Jong.
Making grains tangible: microtouch for microsound.
(Pages 326-328).


Baptiste Caramiaux, Frederic Bevilacqua, and Norbert Schnell.
Sound selection by gestures.
(Pages 329-330).



Demo session N – Wednesday 1 June 13:30-14:30

Jan Trutzschler.
Gliss: An intuitive sequencer for the iphone and ipad.
(Pages 527-528).


Jiffer Harriman, Locky Casey, Linden Melvin, and Mike Repper.
Quadrofeelia – a new instrument for sliding into notes.
(Pages 529-530).


Johnty Wang, Nicolas D’Alessandro, Sidney Fels, and Bob Pritchard.
Squeezy: Extending a multi-touch screen with force sensing objects
for controlling articulatory synthesis
(Pages 531-532).


Souhwan Choe and Kyogu Lee.
Swaf: Towards a web application framework for composition and
documentation of soundscape
(Pages 533-534).


Norbert Schnell, Frederic Bevilacqua, Nicolas Rasamimana, Julien Blois, Fabrice
Guedy, and Emmanuel Flety.
Playing the “mo” – gestural control and re-embodiment of recorded
sound and music
(Pages 535-536).


Bruno Zamborlin, Marco Liuni, and Giorgio Partesana.
(Pages 537-538).


Bill Verplank and Francesco Georg.
Can haptics make new music? – fader and plank demos.
(Pages 539-540).


Information for demo presenters

As a demo presenter you are free to present your project in the way you find most suitable. We encourage creating a poster based on your work, and then you should take a look at the poster guidelines.

Some demos will be set up in individual rooms (and then you should already have been in contact with us). Otherwise you will present your work alongside the poster presentations.

If you have any questions, please contact poster and demo coordinator St?le Skogstad.


Published Oct. 10, 2020 3:11 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 3:01 PM