International Summer School in Systematic Musicology

University of Oslo is a partner, and fourMs researchers will be teaching, at the International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM2011), which will take place in Jyv?skyl?, starting on the 8th of August, 2011.

More information below (and here). 





The summer school focuses on the most advanced and up-to-date topics of musicology through an interactive and cooperative learning approach. Key areas of interest this year are:

  • music, movement & embodiment
  • computational analysis of music and sound
  • music and emotion
  • interactive music systems
  • performance
  • social and cross-cultural perspectives



  • To give students an intensive course in the most advanced and current topics and methods in the research field of systematic musicology. The course will be based on ongoing research projects at different musicological centers in Europe.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to discuss their research proposals/project with an international body of teachers, representing a range of expertise in different domains of systematic musicology.
  • To teach students the most recent knowledge and basic skills needed to start doctoral studies in musicology.



  • Last year of master's studies
  • Beginning of a doctoral degree
  • Pre-doctoral training, researcher



The Summer School aims at actively confronting the students with different stages of empirical research in systematic musicology. Students will be divided into small groups in which they are executing a real experiment: formulating the problem, carrying out the experiment, doing the analysis and formulating and presenting the final results. Thus, the students will have the opportunity to participate in all stages of empirical research. Examples of the different research techniques used in the experiments include verbal reporting, measurement of motion, using video camera and sensors, data retrieval, statistics, etc.

To guide all this, teachers (professors and assistants) will be assigned to the groups of students that carry out the experiments. 'Consultation boards’ will be organized, in which students can discuss their problems with specific teachers. All lectures, workshops and tutorials will also be organized in relation to the experiments:

  • Lectures will provide more general state-of-the-art context information.
  • Workshops and tutorials will provide information on how specific problems can be solved.

In addition to the intensive programme organized around the experiments, the schedule also provides time for student poster presentations. These presentations provide students with an opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on their own research proposals/project with an international body of teachers, representing a range of expertise in different domains of systematic musicology.



The Summer School is hosted by the Department of Music at the University of Jyv?skyl?, Finland. The Department of Music houses a Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, and Music Cognition has been nominated as one of the leading research areas of the University. The Department has 350 students in its four subjects (Musicology, Music Education, Music Therapy, and Music, Mind and Technology).



The Summer School is an Erasmus IP (Intensive Programme), supported by the European Commission and involving five European universities. It is supported by the International Cooperative in Systematic and Comparative Musicology (Internationaler Arbeitskreis Systematische und Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft). The project is coordinated and organized by the Department of Music, University of Jyv?skyl?. Other participating institutions are the musicology departments of the universities of Ghent, Oslo, Hamburg, Cologne, and Genoa. These partners have been involved in the organization of previous very successful intensive programmes at the University of Jyv?skyl? in 1999, 2001, 2009 and in 2010, and at Ghent University (Belgium) in 2006,  2007, and 2008.



A maximum of 30 students will be admitted to the course. The main target audiences are students in musicology, but students of music research from other fields (computer science, psychology, information science, mathematics, physics, etc.) will also be permitted to attend. Direct beneficiaries are students who have just finished their master's degree studies and have started / are planning to start a doctoral programme in music research. Teachers of the course will evaluate all applications. Applications should include the following documents in pdf format:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV), (max. 1 page)
  • Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
  • Certified copy of academic degree
  • Summary of the (PhD) research proposal, (max. 2 pages + bibliography)

All the documents must be submitted IN ENGLISH!

The application deadline is 15th of April, 2011.

Applications are to be sent via e-mail to the Summer School Assistant:

Notification of acceptance will be given by the 6th of May, 2011.


More Information

Summer School Assistant Kaisa Johansson


mobile: +358 40 247426

Tags: summer school, musicology
Published June 16, 2019 10:16 PM - Last modified June 16, 2019 10:16 PM