Talkback System

Talkback system between the control room and the lab. One unit handles the audio to the speakers in the control room and the other to the lab.

Talk back system image



  1. Power on the two devices, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (red) and the Behringer MX400 (black)
  2. Power on the control room speakers using the buttons on the back. Ensure the volume knobs are set to max. 
  3. Power on the lab stereo speakers next to the TV’s using the buttons on the back.

Audio to Control Room

The control room audio is managed by the Behringer MX400. It is can receive audio from the following sources:

Image of controller



  • Channel 1: Control room talkback mics
  • Channel 2: MoCapPC
  • Channel 4: AudioPC




Output is sent to the control room speakers. To play sound just turn up the volume of the appropriate source using the assigned knobs. If an additional source is needed, channel 3 is free.

Note: Device is mono only so no stereo sound will play

Audio to Lab

The lab audio is managed by the Focusrite Scarlet 2i2. It is can receive audio from the following sources:

  • Channel 1: Talk Back Microphone 
  • Channel 2: Aux jack

Image may contain: Audio equipment, Gadget, Cable, Gas, Electrical wiring.Output is sent to the two speakers in lab mounted next to the TVs. 

To play sound:

  1. Ensure direct monitoring is on, the word Direct should be green
    1. The icon below is stereo or mono direct monitoring
  2. Of the 6 options, only instrument should be selected (green) all else should be white
  3. Turn up individual knob of sound source
  4. Turn up big output knob to comfortable volume for user in lab


No signal from the talkback mic or minijack:

Ensure all cables are connected, direct monitoring is on, and instrument is selected. Turn the individual channel knob for the microphone/minijack up until you see the volume meter around it react to sound.

Odd sound in lab from talkback mic/minijack

This is usually a direct monitoring setting issue. Could also be that instrument was not selected. 

No sound from lab

Make sure preamp is on. Sound can also be simultaneously monitored using the headphones of the videomixer as the ceiling mics are coming in on the Line audio channel. Check volume of the control room speakers. 



Published Apr. 16, 2024 10:29 AM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2024 2:26 PM