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FRONT neurolab

FRONT neurolab has expertise in cognitive and clinical neuropsychology/neuroscience and cognitive/biological engineering.

Front neurolab it says. And a brain. Logo.

About the group

The research group FRONT is coordinated by Anne-Kristin Solbakk and Tor Endestad. The group consists of postdoctoral fellows and research assistants with expertise in cognitive and clinical neuropsychology/neuroscience and cognitive/biological engineering. The group collaborates with national and international hospitals and universities.


Mechanisms of cognitive control in the human brain

The research project is about examining how the brain works when you have to control your attention and reactions quickly and precisely, which is often necessary in daily life and at work. The project specifically focuses on how the brain's anterior segment, frontal lobes, communicate and collaborate with the rear sections of the brain, especially the parietal lobes. Both frontal and parietal lobes play an important role in the control of thinking and behavior.

We also hope that the project will provide greater knowledge about changes in thinking and behavior that may occur after injury or disease in various parts of the frontal and parietal lobes. Another objective is to develop methods that can contribute to more accurate mapping of such changes. This may contribute to more targeted treatment of patients with brain injury or neurological disorders. In order to say something about how the brain functions in patients, we have to compare them with healthy controls.


Our current project is a collaboration between the Department of Psychology (University of Oslo), Oslo University Hospital, University of Berkeley (California) and the University Hospital in Lübeck (Germany).

Published Mar. 10, 2017 10:15 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 9:21 AM


Detailed list of participants