Compulsory Assignments: Information and formal requirements

On this page, you will find information about compulsory assignments on the seminar variant of EXPHIL03.

Compulsory assignments

  • First assignment: Analytic essay, between 400 and 600 words. Your teacher will not give individual feedback. 
  • Second assignment: Argumentative essay, between 800 and 1000 words. Your teacher will give individual feedback. This submission will be the basis of the semester assignment  you will upload as a part of the final exam. 
  • Both assignments must meet requirements for words, and the use of sources and citations. If your assignments does not meet these formal requirements, you will not be given the opportunity to submit again.

The two assignments must be submitted by the deadlines and be approved by your teacher. You will submit via Canvas. 

For these submissions there is a trial for self-reporting in case of short postponements. Note that you must give notice by the latest on the same day as the deadline expires. Read more about rules and applications form.

If you do not get the compulsory activities approved

If you do not submit or do not get one or both assignments approved, or you do not meet the attendance requirement for the seminar teaching, you will lose your place in the seminar group and the right to take the exam in the seminar variant. You will therefore be transfered to the self-study variant. 

All the compulsory activities in the seminar variant must be completed and approved in the same semester as you take the exam. If your activities are approved, but you fail the exam, the activities must be done again if you register for the seminar variant in a later semester. 

Students who wish to switch to the self-study variant must notify the institute one week before the withdrawal deadline. 

Students can withdraw themselves from the exam within the withdrawal deadline. This happens in Studentweb.

Published June 2, 2021 12:56 PM - Last modified Aug. 6, 2024 2:46 PM