
Please be aware that the deadlines for submitting the obligatory assignments have all been postponed. These are the new deadlines:


2.assignment: 14.9-21.9. (corrected within 28.9)

3. assignment: 9.10-16.10 (corrected within 23.10.)

4. assignment: 6.11-13.11 (corrected within 20.11.)

All of the assignments must be submitted in seperate folders in Fronter by 02:00pm. You will find a complete instruction regarding how to submit assigments in Fronter here.


The first assignment will be commented in class, while the rest will be corrected individually. In Fronter you may see if your assignment has been accepted as satisfactory and it is important that all students remember this. If your assignment isn't accepted as satisfactory, you will get the chance to rewrite it and submit it once more by the following dates:


2. assignment: 5.10. 02.00pm

3. assignment: 30.10. 02:00pm

4. assignment: 27.11. 02:00 pm

In order to be given the chance to submit your assignment once more, you must have submitted it and answered the queston/s by the first deadline.

Publisert 11. sep. 2015 13:28 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2015 12:08