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1 Grunnteori: Arkivers egenskaper og egenart

Cook, Terry: What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift (ca. 30 s.) P? My Best Docs Lest 20. juni 2008.

* Cox, Richard J.: Managing Records as Evidence and Information, London 2001/2005, kap. 1 "Starting Policy: Defining Records", s. 1-42 (ca. 42 s.)

* Duchein, M, i: Archivara, nr. 16/1983. "Theoretical Principles and Practical Problems of Respect Des Fonds in Archival Science ", s. 64-82 (ca. 19 s.)

* Eastwood, Terry, i: American Archivist 67, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2004): "Jenkinsons Writings on Some Enduring Archival Themes", s. 31-44 (ca. 14 s.)

* Fonnes, Ivar: "Elektronisk dokumentasjon og arkiv", Oslo 2002. Arkivakademiet. s. 1-23 (ca. 24 s.)

Fonnes, Ivar: Arkivh?ndboken for offentlig forvaltning, Oslo 2000 (eller senere). Riksarkivaren/Kommuneforlaget. s. 41-57 og 184-209 (ca. 43 s.)

* Henry, Linda J. i : The American Archivist, Vol.61 1998 "Schellenberg in Cyberspace", s. 309-327 (ca. 19 s.)

* Horsman, Peter, i: The Principle of Provenance. Report from the First Srockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of Provenance, Bor?s 1994. "Taming the Elephant. An Orthodox Approach to the Principle of Provenance", s. 51-63 (ca. 13 s.)

* Jenkinson, Hilary, i: M.F. Daniels and T. Walch (Eds.): A Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, Washington 1984, "Reflections of an Archivist", s. 15-21 (ca. 7 s.)

* Jenkinson, Hilary: A Manual of Archive Administration. A reissue of revised 2. edition, London 1966. s. 1-22 (ca. 23 s.)

* Kolsrud, Ole, i: Arkivposten 1997:1 ”Betraktninger omkring Terry Cooks innlegg p? ICA-kongressen i Bejing september 1996”, s. 41-50 (ca. 10 s.)

* Kolsrud, Ole, i: Encyclopedia of library and information science, Vol. 61, suppl. 24, New York, Marcel Dekker 1998 "Developments in archival theory", s. 91-109 (ca. 19 s.)

Lange, Vilhelm, Dag Mangset og ?yvind ?degaard: Privatarkiver. Bevaring og tilgjengeliggj?ring, Oslo 2001. Riksarkivaren/Kommuneforlaget, s. 16-47 (ca. 31 s.).

McKemmish, Sue and Frank Upward: Somewhere Beyond Custody (ca. 11 s.) P? nettsidene til Records Continuum Research Group, Monash University. Lest 20.06.2008.

McKemmish, Sue: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: A Continuum of Responsibility (ca. 18 s.) P? nettsidene til Records Continuum Research Group, Monash University. Lest 20.06.2008.

Schellenberg, Th. R: Modern Archives: Principles and techniques, Chicago 1956. s 11 - 16 (ca. 6 s.)


2 Arkiv og samfunn

Arkiv, demokrati og rettferd, ABM-skrift 28, ABM-utvikling 2006, ca. 30-40 s. artikkelstoff etter eget valg.

Arkivloven med forskrift. Lov 04.12. 1992 nr. 126 om arkiv med forskrift 11.12. 1998 nr. 1193 om offentlege arkiv. Hentes fra Lovdatas baser p? internett

* Bundsgaard, Inge, i: F. Boulin and W. Rosenberg (Eds.), Archives, documentation and institutions of social memory. Essays from the Sawyer Seminar, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2006: "The Question of Access: The Right to Social Memory versus the Right to Social Oblivion", s. 114-120 (ca. 7 s.)

Brothman, Brien, i: Archivaria No. 51 (Spring 2001): The Past That Archives Keep: Memory, History, and the Preservation of Archival Records s. 48-80 (ca. 33 s.) Lest 20.06.2008

Cook, Terry: Beyond the Screen: The Records Continuum and Archival Cultural Heritage Paper delivered at the Australian Society of Archivists Conference, 18.08.2000 (ca. 18 s.) P? nettsidene til Australian Society of Archivists Lest 20.06.2008

* Cook, Terry, i: F. Boulin and W. Rosenberg (Eds.), Archives, documentation and institutions of social memory. Essays from the Sawyer Seminar, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2006: “Remembering the future: Appraisal of records and the role of archives in constructing social memory” s. 169-181 (s. 13 s.)

* Duchein, Michel, i: American Archivist, Vol 55 1992. "The History of European Archives and the Development of the Archival Profession in Europe", s. 14-24 (ca. 11 s.)

Duranti, Luciana, i: American Archivist, Vol. 63, No 1 (Spring/Summer 2000), Meeting the Challenge of Contemporary Records: Does it Require a Role Change for the Archivist s. 7-14 (ca. 8 s.) P? nettsidene til the Society of American Archivists Lest 20.06.2008

* Gr?nstr?m, Claes, i: Med Clio til Kringsj?. Festskrift til riksarkivar John Herstad, Oslo 2002. Riksarkivaren/Novus Forlag, "Arkivverksamheten i Norden och Europiska Unionen. Kan man tala om en nordisk modell?" s 337-348 (ca. 12 s.)

* Greene, Mark, i: American Archivist 65, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2002): "The Power of Meaning: The Archival Mission in the Postmodern Age", s. 42-55 (ca. 14 s.)

Herstad, John, i: Dagbladet 14.04.2004: Arkivaren som historieforteller (ca. 2 s.) Lest 20.06.2008

* Ketelaar, Eric, i: F. Boulin and W. Rosenberg (Eds.): Archives, documentation and institutions of social memory. Essays from the Sawyer Seminar, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2006: "The Panoptical Archive", s. 144-150 (ca. 7 s.)

Kj?lstad, Torbj?rn, i: 7 kapitel om arkiv- och informasjonsvetenskap, kap. 6 og 7: ”F?rflutenhetens administrativa landskap” og ”中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐 og forskarutbilding”, s. 113-151, Arkiv i Norrland nr 19, Kj?lstad/Landsarkivet i H?rn?sand, Malm? 2005 (ca. 38 s.)

* L?vblad, H?kan, i: Arkiv, samh?lle och forskning, 1/2000. "Munk, knekt eller konstn?r ", s. 28-50 (ca. 23 s.)

* Nesmith, Tom, i: American Archivist 65, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2002): “Seeing Archives: Postmodernism and the Changing Intellectual Place of Archives”, 24-41 (ca. 18 s.)

* Odelstingsproposisjon nr. 77 (1991 - 92): Om lov om arkiv, 1992, s. 3-30 (ca. 28 s.)

Tyacke, Sarah, i: Archivaria No. 52 (Fall 2001): Archives in a Wider World: The Culture and Politics of Archives s. 1-25 (ca. 25 s.) Lest 20.06.2008


3 Bevaringsteorier og -strategier

* Cox, Richard J., i: American Archival Analysis: The Recent Development of the Archival Profession in the United States, New Jersey og London 1990. Kap. 13: " Archivists Confront a Changing World: Documentation Strategies, the Reformulation of Archival Appraisal, and the Possibilities of Multi-Disciplinary Cooperation ", s 291-303 (ca. 13 s.)

* Duranti, Luciana, i: American Archivist, Vol 57 , 1994. " The Concept of Appraisal and Archival Theory", s 328-344 (ca. 17 s.)

* Kolsrud, Ole, i: Arkiv 11 , Bind 1, 1986. "Norsk kassasjonsproblematikk 1817 - 1961", s 27-46 (ca. 20 s.)

* Kolsrud, Ole, i: American Archivist, Vol. 55, 1992 " The Evolution of Basic Appraisal Principles - Some Comparative Observations ", s. 26-38 (ca. 13 s.)

* Kolsrud, Ole, i: Baltic-Nordic archival seminar on appraisal and disposal in P?rnu, October 11-13, 1995, Helsinki : Helsinki University Press, 1997: “Archive appraisal in an international perspective”, s. 1-10 (ca. 10 s.)

* Lindh, Bj?rn, i: Janus, 1997:2. " Some thoughts on appraisal terminology," s 18-22, (ca. 5 s.)

* Menne-Haritz, Angelika, i: The Principle of Provenance. Report from the First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of Provenance Bor?s 1994. "Appraisal or Selection - Can a Content Oriented Appraisal be Harmonized with the Principle of Provenance?", s. 103-131 (ca. 29 s.)

Rapport fra Bevaringsutvalget 2002, Oslo 2002. Rapporter og retningslinjer nr. 10, Riksarkivaren, s. 1-107. Bestilles fra Riksarkivet eller lastes ned i flere filer (Ca. 100 s.) Lest 20.06.2008

Samuels, Helen, i: Archivaria no. 33 1991 Improving our disposition: Documentation Strategy s. 125-140, (ca. 16 s.) Lest 20.06.2008

* Samuels, Helen, i: American Archivist 49 (Spring 1986) "Who Controls the Past", s. 109-124 (ca. 16 s.)

* Schellenberg, Th. R, i: Daniels, M.F. and T.Walch (Eds.): A Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, Washington 1984, "The appraisal of moderne public records", s. 57-70 (ca. 14 s.)

* Tschan, Reto, i: American Archivist Vol. 65, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 2002): "A Comparison of Jenkinson and Schellenberg on Appraisal", 176-195 (ca. 20 s.)


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Publisert 20. juni 2008 16:14 - Sist endret 25. juni 2008 15:20