
General readings:

Henning, Michelle, 2006. Museums, Media and Cultural Theory, Berkshire: Open UP, 183 sider

Lecture 1 Historical perspectives on museums (1)

Abt, Jeffrey. 2007. “The Origins of the Public Museum.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, edited by Sharon Macdonald, 115–34. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 19 sider

Klonk, Charlotte: "Mounting Vision: Charles Eastlake and the National Gallery of London", The Art bulletin, Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2000: 331-347. 16 sider

Bennett, Tony. 1988. “The Exhibitionary Complex.” New Formations, 4:73-102. 29 sider

Duncan, Carol: "Art Museums and the Ritual of Citizenship" i Ivan Karp og Steven D. Lavine: Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1991. s. 88-103. 8 sider

Kriegel, Lara. 2006. “After the Exhibitionary Complex: Museum Histories and the Future of the Victorian Past.” Victorian Studies 48 (4): 681–704. 25 sider

Lecture 2 Historical perspectives on museums (2) - Mattias Ekman, "Collections and their arrangements c. 1560-1760, with an emphasis on the Nordic countries"

Daston, Lorraine & Park, Katharine, Wonders and the Order of Nature 1150–1750 (New York, Zone Books, 2001), ch. VII: ‘Wonders of Art, Wonders of Nature’ (pp. 255–301).  At UiO library

Ekman, Mattias, ‘Edifices of Memory. Topical Ordering in Cabinets and Museums’, in Hegardt, Johan (ed), The Museum Beyond the Nation (Stockholm, The National Historical Museum, 2012), pp. 61–86.

Kuwakino, Koji, ‘The Great Theatre of Creative Thought. The Inscriptiones vel tituli theatri amplissimi ... (1565) by Samuel von Quiccheberg’, Journal of the History of Collections, 25/3 (2013), pp. 303–24.

MacGregor, Arthur, Curiosity and Enlightenment. Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century (New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 2007), ch. II: ‘The Cabinet of Curiosities. Concept and Realization’ (pp. 11–69).

Lecture 3 Narratives in museums

Bal, Mieke. 1992. “Telling, Showing, Showing off.Critical Inquiry 18 (3): 556–94. 38 sider

Grek, Sotiria; 2005. “Museums and Critical Discourse Analysis: Disentangling Exhibition Narratives” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory into Research. p.219-227. 8 sider

Karp, Ivan, and Corinne A Kratz. 2014. “Collecting, Exhibiting, and Interpreting: Museums as Mediators and Midwives of Meaning.” Museum Anthropology 37 (1): 51–65. 14 sider

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 2015. “Inside the Museum: Curating between Hope and Despair: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.” East European Jewish Affairs 45 (2–3): 215–35. 20 sider

Krankenhagen, Stefan. 2011. “Exhibiting Europe The Development of European Narratives in Museums, Collections, and Exhibitions.” Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 3 (3): 269–278. 9 sider

Shelton, Anthony Alan. 2006. “Museums and Anthropologies: Practices and Narratives.” A Companion to Museum Studies p.51-64. 13 sider

Lecture 4 Exhibition and display techniques

Alberti, Samuel J.M.M.: Objects and Museum i: ISIS, 2005, 96: 559-571, 12 sider.

Bal, Mieke: "Exhibition as film" i Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu (eds): Exhibition experiences, 2008. s 71-79, 8 sider.

Beier-de Haan, Rosmarie, 2006. “Re-staging Histories and Identities” in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) A companion to museum studies, Wiley. Online (via Oria) p.186-197. 11 sider

Greenblatt, Stephen. 1991. “Resonance and Wonder.” Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 43 (4): 11–34. 21 sider

Henning, Michelle, 2006 “New media”, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) A companion to museum studies, Wiley. Online (via Oria) p. 302-318. 16 sider

Moser, Stephanie. 2010. “THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL: Museum Displays and the Creation of Knowledge.” Museum Anthropology 33 (1): 22–32. 10 sider

Prior Nick, 2006. “Postmodern Restructurings”, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) A companion to museum studies, Wiley. Online (via Oria) p.509-524. 13 sider

Lecture 5 Ethnographic museums (+ excursion KHM)

Bolton, Lissant. 2008. Living and dying: ethnography, class and aesthetics in the British Museum. In Museums and difference, ed. Daniel J. Sherman. Indiana University Press. p.330-352. 12 sider

Clifford J. 1988. Histories of the tribal and the modern. In The Predicament of culture : Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Pp. 189-214. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 25 sider

Karp, Ivan, and Corinne A. Kratz. 2000. “Reflections on the Fate of Tippoo’s Tiger. Defining Cultures through Public Display.” In Cultural Encounters: Representing “Otherness”, edited by Elizabeth Hallam and Brian V Street. London: Routledge. p. 194-228. 36 sider

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara: "Objects of Ethnography" in Ivan Karp og Steven D.Lavine: Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museums Display, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press 1991: 386-444, 58 sider.

Lecture 6 Art museums (+ excursion at the National Gallery)

Adamopoulou Areti & Esther Solomon. 2016. “Artists-as-Curators in Museums: Observations on Contemporary Wunderkammern.” THEMA. La Revue Des Musées de La Civilisation. p.35-49. 14 sider

Bal, Mieke. 2006. “Exposing the Public.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, Sharon Macdonald. Blackwell. (online via Oria) p.525-542 17 sider

James Cuno, “The Object of Art Museums,” in Cuno, ed., Whose Muse? Art Museums and the Public Trust (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004), 49-75. 16 sider

Carol Duncan: " The Art Museum as Ritual " s. 473-486, 13 sider.

Corrin, Lisa. 1994. “Mining the Museum - Artists Look at Museums, Museums Look at Themselves.” In Mining the Museum: An Installation by Fred Wilson. 22 sider

McClellan, Andrew. 2008. The Art Museum from Boullée to Bilbao. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Ch. 3 Collecting, classification and display, p.107-54. 47 sider

Lecture 7 Cultural diversity (+ excursion IKM)

Ang, Ien. 2005. “The Predicament of Diversity Multiculturalism in Practice at the Art Museum.” Ethnicities 5 (3): 305–20.  15 sider

Clifford, James. 1997. Museums as contact zones. In Clifford, Routes: travel and translation in the late twentieth century. Harvard University Press. p.188-219. 31 sider

Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal: Reconciling History and Memory at the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration in Paris. , i Changes in museum practice : new media, refugees and participation / edited by Hanne-Lovise Skartveit and Katherine Goodnow, 2010. New York and Oxford. 13 sider.

Lagerkvist, C. 2006. Empowerment and anger: Learning how to share ownership of the museum. Museum and society 4 (2): 52-68. 16 sider

Peers L. and Brown A. (eds) 2003. Museums and source communities. London: Routledge. Introduction, p.1-16. 16 sider

Lecture 8 Natural history museum (Elise Matilde Lund) (+ excursion)

Liv Emma Thorsen. 2014. Elephants Are Not Picked from Trees: Animal Biographies in Gothenburg Natural History Museum. Aarhus University Press. 256 s. At UiO Via Oria, and online (only in January 2017)

Haraway, Donna: "Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908-1936". Social Text , nr. 11, Winter 1984/85. 37 sider

Poliquin, R. 2008, ?The matter and meaning of museum taxidermy?, Museum and Society, (Juli) vol. 6 nr 2, s. 123-134. 12 sider
Take a look at her blog too

Browse through this book:
Yanna Carla, 2005. Nature's Museums: Victorian Science and the Architecture of Display. Also available at UiO library

Further optional readings (for those students who can read Norwegian)

Lund, Elise Matilde Vinduer til (situert) kunnskap : konstruksjon og fortolkning av en zoologisk utstilling112 sider

Olsrud/Snekkenes (red.) Museologer p? museum. Kapittel 7. L?nte fj?r - Om naturhistoriske museumsgjenstander 149 Elise Matilde Lund. 17 sider

9 Folkmuseums (Bj?rn Sverre) (+ excursion Norsk folkemuseeum)

Amundsen, Arne Bugge 2011. "Men of Vision. Hans Aall, Moltke Moe and the Representations of the Emerging Nation-State at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo". Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, 67, s. 37-56. 19 sider

Amundsen, Arne Bugge 2011. "National Museums in Norway". Link?ping Electronic Conference Proceedings (64), s. 653-666. 13 sider

Stoklund, Bjarne 1999. "How the Peasant House Became a National Symbol. A Chapter in the History of Museums and Nation-Building". Ethnologia Europaea, 29 (1), s. 5–18. 13 sider

Stoklund, Bjarne 2003. "Between Scenography and Science. Early Folk Museums and their Pioneers". Ethnologia Europaea, 33 (1), s. 21–36. 15 sider

Published Dec. 18, 2017 3:17 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2017 3:17 PM