
Eriksen, Anne. 2009. Museum: En kulturhistorie. Oslo: Pax.

Rogan, Bjarne og Arne Bugge Amundsen (red). 2010. Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, Novus Forlag. Kapittel: 1,2,3,7, 8,10,15,16 og 18.

MacGregor, Arthur, Curiosity and Enlightenment. Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century (New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 2007), ch. II: ‘The Cabinet of Curiosities. Concept and Realization’. Side: 11–69.

Bennett, Tony. 1988. “The Exhibitionary Complex.” New Formations, 4:73-102.

Kriegel, Lara. 2006. “After the Exhibitionary Complex: Museum Histories and the Future of the Victorian Past.” Victorian Studies 48 (4): 681–704.

Abt, Jeffrey. 2007. “The Origins of the Public Museum.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, edited by Sharon Macdonald, 115–34. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Mordhorst, Camilla. 2009. Genstandsfort?llinger : Fra Museum Wormianum til de moderne museer. K?benhavn: Museum Tusculanum. s. 7-72 (kap. 1 og 2).

Hafstein, Valdimar Tr. 2003. 'Bodies of Knowledge. Ole Worm & Collection in Late Renaissance Scandinavia', i Ethnologica Europaena, 33, s. 5-20.

Henning, Michelle. 2006. ?Object? i Museums, Media and Cultural Theory, Berkshire: Open University Press, s. 5-36

Olsrud, Janne Werner. 2019. "Documenting museum objects: a practice of copying or a ‘copious’ practice" i Brita Brenna, Olav Hamran og Hans Dam Christensen (red.) Museum as Cultures of Copies The Crafting of Artefacts and Authenticity, Routledge, London, s. 218-230.

Krankenhagen, Stefan. 2011. “Exhibiting Europe The Development of European Narratives in Museums, Collections, and Exhibitions.” Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 3 (3), s. 269–278.

Karp, Ivan, and Corinne A Kratz. 2014. “Collecting, Exhibiting, and Interpreting: Museums as Mediators and Midwives of Meaning.” Museum Anthropology 37 (1), s. 51–65.

Shelton, Anthony Alan. 2006. “Museums and Anthropologies: Practices and Narratives.” A Companion to Museum Studies, s.51-64. 13 sider. Finnes ogs? 2011 versjonen og da p? side: 64-80

Bal, Mieke. 1992. “Telling, Showing, Showing off.Critical Inquiry 18 (3), s. 556–94.

Wonders, Karen. 1993. "Habitat Dioramas. Illusions of Wilderness in Museums of Natural History" i Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 25, s. 9-22

Bal, Mieke. 2007. "Exhibition as film" i Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu (eds): Exhibition experiences, 71-79.

Moser, Stephanie. 2010. “THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL: Museum Displays and the Creation of Knowledge.” Museum Anthropology 33, s. 22–32.

Henning, Michelle, 2006 “New media”, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) A companion to museum studies, Wile, s. 302-318.

Henning, Michelle. 2006. ?Display? i Museums, Media and Cultural Theory, Berkshire: Open University Press, s. 37-69.

B?ckstr?m, Mattias. 2016. Att bygga inneh?ll med utst?llningar : Utst?llningsproduktion som forskningsprocess. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. Utst?llande under 250 ?r – en historisk ?versikt, s. 142-197.


Om kunstmuseer

Adamopoulou Areti & Esther Solomon. 2016. “Artists-as-Curators in Museums: Observations on Contemporary Wunderkammern” i THEMA. La Revue Des Musées de La Civilisation, s.35-49.

Bal, Mieke. 2006. “Exposing the Public.” i A Companion to Museum Studies, Sharon Macdonald. Blackwell, s. 525-542.

Cuno, James. 2004. “The Object of Art Museums,” i Cuno J. (red.), Whose Muse? Art Museums and the Public Trust,Princeton: Princeton University Press, s. 49-75.

Duncan, Carol. 1995 "The Art Museum as Ritual" i Art Bulletin s. 473-486.

Corrin, Lisa. 1994. “Mining the Museum - Artists Look at Museums, Museums Look at Themselves” i Mining the Museum: An Installation by Fred Wilson.

McClellan, Andrew. 2008. The Art Museum from Boullée to Bilbao. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Ch. 3 Collecting, classification and display, s.107-54.


Om kulturelt mangfold p? museer

Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal. 2010. ?Representasjon av kulturelt mangfold i kulturhistoriske museer? i Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, Rogan, Bjarne og Arne Bugge Amundsen (red), Novus Forlag, Oslo. Side: 277-293.

Krankenhagen, Stephan. 2010. ?Europa p? museum. Om museenes konstruksjon av europeisk historie? i Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, Rogan, Bjarne og Arne Bugge Amundsen (red), Novus Forlag, Oslo. Side 309-325.

Lagerkvist, C. 2006. Empowerment and anger: Learning how to share ownership of the museum. Museum and society 4 (2): 52-68.

Varutti, M. (2017). Materializing the past; mannequins, history and memory in museums : Insights from the Northern European and East-Asian contexts. Nordisk Museologi, (1), 5-20.


Om tekniske museer

Andersen, K., & Hamran, O. (2014). Teknikk p? museum: Norsk teknisk museum 1914-2014. Oslo: Pax. Kapittel 1: P? sporet av det moderne teknikkmuseet s. 11-33,

Macdonald, S. (1998). ‘Exhibitions of power and powers of exhibitions’ i The Politics of display : Museums, science, culture (Heritage: care - preservation - management). London: Routledge. s. 1-24


Om etnografiske museer

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 1991: "Objects of Ethnography" i Ivan Karp og Steven D.Lavine: Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museums Display, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, s. 386-444.

Clifford J. 1988. "Histories of the tribal and the modern" i The Predicament of culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 189-214.

Karp, Ivan, and Corinne A. Kratz. 2000. “Reflections on the Fate of Tippoo’s Tiger. Defining Cultures through Public Display” i Cultural Encounters: Representing “Otherness”, edited by Elizabeth Hallam and Brian V Street. London: Routledge, s. 194-228.

Bouquet, M. (2012). Museums : A visual anthropology (Key texts in the anthropology of visual and material culture). London: Berg. Kapittel 3 og 4, s. 63-117.


Om naturhistoriske museer

Thorsen, Liv Emma: Elephants are not picked from trees. Animal Biographies in Gothenburg Natural History Museum. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus. 256 s.

Haraway, Donna: "Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908-1936". Social Text , nr. 11, Winter 1984/85.

Lund, Elise Matilde Vinduer til (situert) kunnskap : konstruksjon og fortolkning av en zoologisk utstilling, 112 sider

Lund, Elise Matilde ?L?nte fj?r - Om naturhistoriske museumsgjenstander?, i Olsrud/Snekkenes (red.) Museologer p? museum (2014) s. 149-168 17 sider


Titt gjerne gjennom:

Yanna Carla, 2005. Nature's Museums: Victorian Science and the Architecture of Display.

Poliquin, R. 2008, ?The matter and meaning of museum taxidermy?, Museum and Society, (Juli) vol. 6 nr 2, s. 123-134 -  ta gjerne en titt p? bloggen hennes ogs?.


Om folkemuseer

S?rlin, Sverker. 1998. "Artur Hazelius och det nationella arvet " i Hans Medilius, Bengt Nystr?m og Elisabet Stavenow-Hidemark: Nordiska museet under 125 ?r, Nordiska museets f?rlag: Stockholm. Kapittel 3, s. 17-39.

Amundsen, Arne Bugge 2011. "Men of Vision. Hans Aall, Moltke Moe and the Representations of the Emerging Nation-State at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo" i Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, 67, s. 37-56.

Stoklund, Bjarne 1999. "How the Peasant House Became a National Symbol. A Chapter in the History of Museums and Nation-Building" i Ethnologia Europaea, 29 (1), s. 5–18.

Stoklund, Bjarne 2003. "Between Scenography and Science. Early Folk Museums and their Pioneers" i Ethnologia Europaea, 33 (1), s. 21–36.

Roede, Lars. 2010. ?Autentisitet i friluftsmuseene?, i Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, Rogan, Bjarne og Arne Bugge Amundsen (red), Novus Forlag, Oslo. Side: 167-186.

Publisert 7. jan. 2019 09:58 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2019 19:03