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Gustavsson, Anders (red.) 2005 : Kulturvitenskap i felt. Metodiske og pedagogiske erfaringer, Oslo: H?yskoleforlaget. 245 sider.

Gunn, Simon & Lucy Faire (eds) 2012: Research Methods for History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 241 sider.

Moestue Anne og Ann Helen Bolstad Skjelbred 2006: Kunnskapssamtaler, By og bygd 39. Norsk Folkemuseum 2006. (side 22-43, 66-84 og 100-110) 50 sider. Fulltekst.

Stig S?rensen, Marie Louise and John Carman (eds) 2010: Heritage studies. Methods and approaches, London and New York: Routledge. Chapter 6. Sommer, Ulrike. Methods used to investigate the use of the past in the formation of regional identities, pp103-120. Chapter 7. Palmer, Cathrine. Reflections of the practice of ethnography within heritage tourism, pp 123-139. Chapter 9. Stig S?rensen, Marie Louise. Between the lines and in the margins: interviewing people about attitudes to heritage and identity, 164-177. 48 sider.

Thagaard, Tove 2009 (1998): Systematikk og innlevelse. En innf?ring i kvalitativ metode, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 230 sider.

Totalt ca 800 sider.

Publisert 3. okt. 2012 14:14 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2012 16:28