
Et utvalg tekster fra historieb?ker for videreg?ende skole fra Serbia, Kroatia og Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Norman M. Naimark & Holly Case (eds.): Yugoslavia and Its Historians, 2003. Stanford University Press.

P?l Kolst? (ed.), 4 kapitler fra boken: Myths and Boundaries in South-Eastern Europe, Hurst & Company, London 2005.

Ivo Zani? : "The Symbolic identity of Croatia in the triangle Crossroad-Bulwark-Bridge".

Sre?ko M. D?aja: "Bosnian historical reality and its reflection in myth".

Ana Anti? : The evolution of boundary: Defining historical myths in Serbian academic and public opinion in the 1990s".

Ulf Brunnbauer: "Ancient Nationhood and the Struggle for Statehood: Historiographic myths in the Republic of Macedonia".

Publisert 21. mars 2012 08:39 - Sist endret 25. juli 2012 12:52