
Pensum for alle


* Knox, Paul Knox & John Agnew: The Geography of the World Economy, 1988. London: Arnold Publishers. Kapittel 4, side 123-147 (Preindustrial Foundations).

* Tilly, Charles, Entanglements of European Cities and States, i Charles Tilly and Win P. Blockmans (Eds.): Cities and the Rise of States in Europe, A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1800, 1994. Oxford: Westview Press. Kap. 1.

* ?sterg?rd, Uffe: Europa, identitet og identitetspolitikk, 1998. K?benhavn: Munksgaard/Rosinate. Side 45-67 (Europa og Kina).


Delanty, Gerard: Inventing Europe. Idea, Identity, Reality, 1995. Houndmills: Palgrave McMillan Press.

DE STORE EU-LANDENES EUROPAPOLITIKK (i den rekkef?lgen artiklene skal leses)

* Robbins, Keith: Britain and Europe 1789-2005, 2005. London: Hobber Arnold. Kapittel 10 og 11, side 231-279.

* Taras, Ray, Poland. Breaking Multiple Barriers, i Tiersky, Ronald (Eds.): Europe Today, 2004. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield. Kapittel 14, side 455-487.

* Bakke, Elisabeth og Nick Sitter, ?stutvidelsen - Sentral-Europa, Baltikum og EU, i Bakke, Elisabeth (red.): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989, 2006. Oslo: Det norske samlaget. Kapittel 12, side 225-248.

* Haftendorn, Helga: Coming of age: German foreign policy since 1945, 2006. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Kapittel 1 (fra s. 17), 2 og 9 (Studenter som leser tysk: Boken finnes ogs? i tysk utgave).

* Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Ritchie, The French Contribution to Building the EU, i Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Ritchie: France in the European Union, 1998. London: Macmillan Press. Side 17-42.

* Graham, Robert, Ending the Gaulliist Era? i Ronald Tiersky (Ed.): Europe Today. National Politics, European Integration and European Society, 2004. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefiels. Side 251-295.

* Closa, Carlos and Paul Heywood: Spain and the European Union, 2004. Houndmills: Plagrave Macmillan. Kap. 1 side 5-30, kap. 5 side 105-134.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 1, Sentral-Europa (Polen,Tsjekkia, Slovakia, Ungarn, de baltiske land)

Bachtler, J. and Menez, C., Who Governs EU Cohesion Policy? Deconstructing the Reforms of the Structural Funds, i: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.45, No.3, 2007. Side 535-564.

Barrell, Ray, John FitzGerald and Rebecca Riley, EU enlargement and migration: Assessing the macroeconomic impacts: NIESR Discussion Paper No. 292, March 2007. London: National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Dublin: Economic and Social Research Insitute.

Copsey, Nathaniel and Aleks Szczerbiak, The Future of Polish-Ukrainian Relations: Evidence from the June 2004 European Parliament Election Campaign in Poland: Sussex European Institue, Working Paper No. 84, 2005. Sussex European Institute.

* Deák, András, EA-Russia Policies and the Visegrád Group, i: Foreign Policy Review, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, 2005.

Heidenreich, Martin, The Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union after Enlargement: BACES Discussion Paper No. 1, 2004. Otto-Friedrich Universit?t Bamberg. .

* Murua, J. R. and Albiac, J., The European Union Budget: CAP and European Economic Priorities, i McCombie, John and Carlos Rodriguez Gonzalez: The European Union, 2007. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Nielsen, Kristian L., Opportunities and Limitations for the Baltic States of the EU-Russia Strategic Partnership, i: Baltic Security and Defence Review, Volume 9, 2007.

* Selliaas, Andreas, The European Union's External Minority Policy - Europeanising or Not?, i Lane, Thomas and Elzbieta Stadtmüller (Eds.): Europe on the Move, The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the European Union, 2005. LIT Verlag Münster.

Schmitt, Harmann and Jacque Thomassen, The EU Party System after Eastern Enlargement: Reihe Politikwissenschaft, 105, 2005. Institut für H?here Studien (IHS), Wien.

Tóth, Judith, Relations of Kin-state and Kin-minorities in the Shadow of the Schengen Agreement: Regio - Minorities, Politics, Society - English Edition, Vol. 1, 2006. Budapest: Teleki László Intézet.

* Wolff-Poweska, Anna, Poland-Germany: Partnership from a Distance, i: The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 1, 2005.

Pensum for studenter velger gruppe 2, Storbritannia

* Allen, David, The United Kingdom: a Europeanized Government in a Non-Europeanized Polity, i Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (Eds.): The Member States of the European Union, 2005. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Geddes, Andrew: The European Union and British Politics, 2004. Houndmills: Palgrave. Kapittel 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.

* George, Stephen: An Awkward Partner. Britain in the European Community, 1998. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kp. 6.

* Smith, Julie, A missed oppotunity? New Labour's European policy 1997-2005, i: International Affairs 88, 4, 2005. Side 703-721.

* Wallace, Helen, At odds with Europe, i: Political Studies, 1997, 45. Side 677-688.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 3, Tyskland

* Anderson, Jeffrey J., Germany and Europe: Centrality in the EU, i: Simon Bulmer og Christian Lequesne (red.): The Member States of the European Union, 2005. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Side 77-96.

Deeg, Richard, The Comeback of 'Modell Deutschland'? The New German Political Economy in the EU, i: German Politics, 14/3, september 2005. Side 332–353.

* Dyson, Kenneth, Economics Policies. From Pace-Setter to Beleaguered Player, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, 2003. Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 201-229.

Heise, Arne, Has Germany Been Europeanised or Has Europe Become (too) Germanic? The Consequences of EMU without a Proper European Economic Governance System, i: Intereconomics, 40/5, september/oktober 2005. Side 285-291.

* Jeffery, Charlie, The German L?nder: From Milieu-Shaping to Territorial Politics, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, 2003. Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 97-108.

Kaelberer, Matthias, Deutschmark Nationalism and Europeanized Identity: Exploring Identity Aspects of Germany's Adoption of the Euro, i: German Politics, 14/3, september 2005. Side 283-296.

* Miskimmon, Alister og William E. Paterson, Foreign and Security Policy. On the Cusp Between Transformation and Accommodation, i Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, 2003. Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 325–345.

Moore, Carolyn, ‘Schloss Neuwahnstein’? Why the L?nder Continue to Strengthen Their Representations in Brussels, i: German Politics, 15/2, juni 2006. Side 192–205.

Schweiger, Christian, The Role of the 'Modell Deutschland' in the Enlarged European Union, i: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 13/3, desember 2005. Side 243–263.

Tings, Christiana, The new German European Policy. Challenges to Decentralised EU Policy Coordination, i: Discussion Paper, C 166, 2006. Side 1–25.

Wagner, Wolfgang, From Vanguard to Laggard: Germany in European Security and Defence Policy, i: German Politics, 14/4, desember 2005. Side 455-469.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 4, Frankrike (i den rekkef?lgen artiklene skal leses)

* Grunberg, Gérard, Europeisering av Frankrikes innenrikspolitiske debatt, i Franck Orban (red.): Frankrike og Europa; visjon og ambisjon, 2002. Oslo: Europaprogrammet. Side 139-160.

* Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Richie, Parties and Public Opinion, i Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Richie: France and the European Union, 1998. London: Macmillan Press. Side 73-102.

* Hainsworth, Paul, France Says No: The 29 May 2005 Referendum on the European Constitution: Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 59, Number 1, January 2006.

* Vernet, Daniel, Frankrike mellom en utvidelse og en fordypning av EU, i Franck Orban (red.): Frankrike og Europa; visjon og ambisjon, 2002. Oslo: Europaprogrammet. Side 198-212.

* Védrine, Hubert, France's European Ambition and its Dilemmas, i Hubert Védrine and Dominique Moisi: France in the Age of Globalization, 2001. Washington: Brookings Institution Press. Side 55-77.

* McCarthy, Patrich, France, Germany, the IGC and Eastern Enlargement, i Douglas Webber (Ed.): The Franco-German Relationship in the European Union, 1999. New York: Routledge. Side 41-58.

* Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Richie, Agricultural Policy, i Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Richie: France and the European Union, 1998. London: Macmillan Press. Side 129-156.

* Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Richie, Economic and Social Policy, i Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Richie:: France and the European Union, 1998. London: Macmillan Press. Side 158-183.

Howorth, Jolyon, France, NATO and European Security: Status Quo Unsustainable; New Balance Unattainable?: Politique Etrangère 4, 2002.

* Blunden, Margareth, France, i Ian Manners and Richard G. Whitman (Eds.): The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States, 2000. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Side 19-44.

* Orban, Franck, Frankrike og ESDP, i Bundt, Kate Hansen (red.): Den europeiske sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk; utfordringer og muligheter for Norger, 2002. Oslo: Europaprogrammet. Side 13-33.

Tekster merket med * er ? f? kj?pt i kompendium i GnistAkademika, kopiutsalget i kjelleren. For ? f? kj?pt kompendium m? man vise kvittering for betalt semesteravgift. Du m? kj?pe tre kompendier: To for fellespensum (tittel: "De store EU-landenes europapolitikk" og "Statsdannelse og ?konomi") og et for den gruppen du har meldt deg p?. Pensumbidrag som er weblenker, m? du printe ut selv.

Publisert 8. aug. 2007 20:54 - Sist endret 10. okt. 2019 11:45