
Merk: Pensum er sterkt endret sammenliknet med h?st 2014.

Pensumbidrag merket med * er i Fronter

Bickerton, Christopher J. (2012) European Integration: from nation-states to member states. Oxford University Press. Introduction, Kap. 3-5, 140 sider (finnes som e-bok p? UB)

Dinan, Desmond (2014) Europe Recast: A History of European Union. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke. 400 sider

* D'Otaavio, Gabrielle (2015) A New German Question? Germany and European Integration in Historical Perspective, i D'Ottavio, Gabrielle &Thomas Saalfeld, Germany after the 2013 Elections - Breaking the Mould of Post-Unification Politics? New York: Routlegde. 18 sider

* Dyson, Kenneth (2015) Germany, the Euro Crisis and Risk Management: Europe's Reluctant and Vulnarable Hegemonic Power, i D'Ottavio, Gabrielle &Thomas Saalfeld, Germany after the 2013 Elections - Breaking the Mould of Post-Unification Politics? New York: Routlegde. 18 sider

Geddes, Andrew (2013) Britain and the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke. Kap. 1, 6, 7. 80 sider

Krotz, Ulrich, Joachim Schild (2015) Shaping Europe: France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysee Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics. Oxford University Press: Oxford. Kap. 2, 5-9. 145 sider (finnes som e-bok p? UB)

Lequesne, Christian (215) France and the European Union: a story of reason rather than love. Policy Brief 5, NUPI. 3 sider

Martin, Philip I. (2016) Viewpoint: Europe's Migration Crisis: an American perspective. Migration Letters, Volume 13, No. 2. 12 sider. 

Pastore, Ferruccio and Giulia Henry (2016) Explaining the Crisis of the European Migration and Asylum Regime. The International Spectator, Vol. 51, No 1, 44-57. 13 sider. 

Rozenberg, Olivier (2015) France in quest of a European narrative. Foundation Robert Schuman, European issues. No. 345, 24. February.

* Zamecki, Alojzy, Konstanty Adam Wojtasczczyk and Lukasz Nowak (Eds.) (2016) Poland in the European Union. Madrid: Colección Universidad. Schedas. Side 37-59, 191-251.


Anbefalt lesing:


Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.) (2014) Freedom, Equality, Solidarity. Thoughts on Europe’s Future – from Germany, France and Poland. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh

Publisert 26. mai 2016 09:31 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2019 15:19