
* Alt markert med fet skrift er b?ker som kan kj?pes p? Akademika. Resten av pensum er tilgjengelig p? internet og/eller vil bli lagt ut i Fronter.


L?rebok (341 sider)

  •  Patrice Franko (2007) The puzzle of Latin American Economic Development, kapitler 1-9 og kap 11, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.


?konomisk teori  (189 sider)

  • Yanis Varoufakis (1998), Foundations of economics. Kap 1: Introduction. s. 3-40 London: Routledge (37 sider)
  • Erling R?ed Larsen (2004) Alt du vil vite om samfunns?konomi, men aldri har v?get ? sp?rre om. Kapitler 5-7 og 9-10, Oslo: Gyldendal (112 sider)
  • Peter B. Evans (2002) Collective Capabilities, Culture, and Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom, Studies in Comparative International Development, Summer 2002, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 54-60. (6 sider)
  • Douglass C. North (2003) The role of institutions in economic development. Discussion paper series No. 2003.2. United Nations Economic Comission for Europe. (9 sider)
  • Thorsen, D. E. (2009) The neoliberal challenge. What is neoliberalism? Oslo: University of Oslo. Department of Political Science. Working Paper, October 10, 2009. (25 sider).


Latinamerikanske ?konomier (136 sider)

  • Sokoloff & Engerman (2000) History Lessons Institutions, Factor Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New World. Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 14, Number 3, Pages 217–232 (15 sider)
  • John H. Coatsworth (2005) Structures, Endowments, and Institutions in the Economic History of Latin America Latin American Research Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 126-144 (19 sider)
  • Stephen Haber (2006) The Political Economy of Industrialization i The Cambridge Economic History of Latin America. S. 537-584. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  (47 sider)
  • John Williamson (1990) What Washington means by Policy Reform. I Williamson (ed.)  Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened? Washington: Institute for International Economics (15 sider)
  • Nancy Birdsall, Augusto  De La Torre, Augusto & Felipe Valencia Caicedo, (2011) The Washington Consensus: Assessing a “damaged brand” i Ocampo et. al. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (21 sider)
  • José Gabriel Palma (2006) Globalizing Inequality: ‘Centrifugal’ and ‘Centripetal’ Forces at Work. DESA Working Paper No. 35, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (19 sider)


Den ?konomisk krisa i Argentina i 2001 (139 sider)

  • Paul H. Lewis (2009) The agony of argentine capitalism. Kapitler 6-10, s. 79-152. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio (73 sider)
  • Jan Joost Teunissen & Age Akkerman (2003 ) The Crisis That Was Not Prevented: Argentina, the IMF, and Globalisation, kapitler 1 (Akkermann & Teunissen), 2 (D. Rodrik), 3 (JA Ocampo) og 7 (Wijnholds) FONDAD,  (50 sider)
  • Carlos Memen (1998) Statement by the Hon. Carlos Saul Menem, President of the Republic of Argentina, at the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, (5 sider)
  • Rudiger Dornbusch & Ricardo Caballero (2002) The battle for Argentina. MIT. (3 sider).
  • Brad deLong (2002) Neoliberalism’s Argentine Failure, Project Syndicate, (2 sider).
  • Joseph Stiglitz (2002) Argentinas Lessons, Project Syndicate, (2 sider)
  • Ricardo Hausman (2013) Turning good economic luck into bad. Project Syndicate, (2 sider)
  • Guillermo Calvo & Alejandro Izquierdo (2002) What went wrong in Argentina? Project Syndicate, (2 sider)


?konomisk statistikk:

Vi vil arbeide med f?lgende serier med historiske data for Latin-Amerika (Excel-filer):

  • Maddison Project; BNP, befolkning og BNP per capita, historiske serier for land i hele verden.
  • CEPAL; Indeks for m?ling av strukturelle reformer. Escaith, H. & Paunovic, I. (2004) Reformas estructurales en América Latina y el Cáribe en el período 1970 – 2000: ?ndices y notas metodológicas. Santiago: CEPAL
  • MOXLAD - Base de Datos de Historia Económica de América Latina Montevideo-Oxford (Tidligere OXLAD)
  • Verdensbankens utviklingsindikatorer;  WDI (WDI - World Development Indicators)
  • UNDP Indeks for menneskelig utvikling (HDI - Human development Index)



Anbefalt litteratur:


?konomisk teori: 

  • Paul Krugman & Robin Wells (2006) Economics, 3rd edition. Kap 1: First principles, kap 2: economic models, kap 3: Supply and demand, kap 21: Macroeconomics: the big picture. (100  sider)
  • UNDP (1996) Economic growth and human development. Chapter two: Growth as a mean to human development, s. 43-65 (23 sider)
  • Chang, Ha-Joon (2010) Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: How development has disappeared from today’s ‘development’ discourse in S. Khan & J. Christiansen (eds.), Towards New Developmentalism: Market as Means rather than Master, Routledge, Abingdon


Latinamerikanske ?konomier:

  • Leslie Bethell (ed.) Latin America, economy and society since 1930. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kapitler 2-4, s. 65-240 (175 sider) –


  • Bulmer-Thomas (1994) Economic history of Latina America since independence, kap 7-12 dvs 1929-1990, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (235 sider)


  • Sandra Kuntz Ficker (2005) From Structuralism to New Institutional Economics: The Impact of Theory on the Study of Foreign Trade in Latin America. Latin American research Review, Vol 40, No 3, p 145-162 (17 sider)
  • John Williamson (2004) A Short History of the Washington Consensus, Paper commissioned by Fundación CIDOB for a conference “From the Washington Consensus towards a new Global Governance,” Barcelona, September 24–25, 2004. 14 sider.


Den ?konomisk krisa i Argentina i 2001:

  • Sebastian Edwards (2010) Left Behind. Chicago: Chiacago University Press. 143-162 (20 sider)
  • Resten av Lewis (2009).
  • Resten av Teunissen & Akkerman (2003)


Publisert 13. nov. 2014 10:49 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2020 10:27