
Pensum LIT 2300: Romanens historie og teori




Tolstoj, Leo, Anna Karenina, overs. Erik Egeberg.

Seager, Nicholas, The Rise of the Novel, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Selboe, Tone, Hva er en roman, Universitetsforlaget, 2015.




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Cohen, Margaret, ”The Chronotopes of the Sea”, i (red.) Franco Moretti, The Novel: Forms and themes, vol. 2, Princeton University Press, 2006, ss. 647–666.


Defoe, Daniel, ”Preface”, i Robinson Crusoe [1720], Oxford University Press, 2007, ss. 265–268.


Doody, Margaret Anne, The True Story of the Novel (Introduction & kap. 12),

Harper Collins, 1997, ss. 1–11 og 274–300.


Fielding, ”Author’s Preface”, i Joseph Andrews [1742], Everyman’s Library, 1952, ss. xxvii–xxxii.


Gorelick, Nathan, ”What Is The Novel? The Fundamental Concepts of a Literary Phenomenon”, i Continental Thought & Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom, 2.3, 2018, ss. 134–166.


Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich, ”The Roads of the Novel”, i (red.) Franco Moretti, The Novel, vol. 2, ss. 611–646.


H?gg, Thomas, ”The ancient Greek novel: A single model or a pluraity of forms?”, i (red.) Fanco Moretti, The Novel: History, geography and culture, vol 1, Princeton University Press, 2006, ss. 125–155.


James, Henry, ”The future of the novel” [1899], i The Critical Muse: Selected Literary Criticism, Penguin Books, 1987, ss. 335–345.


Kukkonen, Karin, ”The Embodied Reader”, i Probability Designs: Literature and Predictive Processing, Oxford University Press, 2020, ss. 61–72.


Kukkonen, Karin, ”The Curse of Realism: Cognitive Narratology and the Historical Dimension”, i Partial Answers, 16.2, 2018,  ss. 291–302.


Kundera, Milan, “Samtale om romankunsten”, i Romankunsten [1986], oversatt av Kjell Olaf Jensen, Cappelen 2006, ss. 27–44


Littau, Karen, ”The Reader in Fiction”, i Theories of Reading: Books, Bodies and Bibliomania, Cambridge 2006, ss. 62–82.


Woolf, Virginia, ”Women and fiction”, i (red.) Clarke, Stuart N., The Essays of Virginia Woolf, vol. 5: 1929 to 1932, The Hogarth Press, 2009, ss. 26–36.




Teoritekster legges ut i Canvas, bortsett fra Bakhtin, som kan hentes fra Moderne litteraturteori.




Publisert 2. juli 2020 13:11 - Sist endret 2. juli 2020 13:11