
William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale. The Arden Shakespeare, 2010.


Charlotte Lennox, The Female Quixote. Oxford Classics, 2008.


Stendhal, Le rouge et le noir. Livres de Poche. / The Red and the Black. Transl. Catherine Slater. Oxford World Classics, 2007.


Andrei Bely. Petersburg. Penguin Classics, 2011.


Hilary Mantel. A Place of Greater Safety. Fourth Estate, 2010.


Theoretical readings will be provided through Fronter:


Stephen Halliwell, "Mimesis and the History of Aesthetics" in The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems pp. 1-33. (33pp)

Erich Auerbach, Mimesis (chapter 18: Im H?tel de la Mole) pp. 422-459. (37pp.)

Rene Girard, Deceit, Desire and the Novel (ch. 5 pp. 113-138) (25pp.)

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (pp. 25-42) (18pp.)

Mikhail Bakhtin, “Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel” (pp. 167-206) (pp. 40pp.)

Paul Ricoeur, Time and Narrative I (ch 3 “Threefold Mimesis”) (pp. 52-87) (pp. 35pp.)

Charlotte Lennox, “Observations […] on The Winter’s Tale” Shakespeare Illustrated pp.71-97 (17pp.)

Gerard Genette, "Vraisemblance and Motivation" Narrative 9.3 (2001): 239-258. (29pp.)

Dorrit Cohn, "Signposts of Fictionality" Poetics Today 11.4 (1990): 775-804. (30pp.)

Choderlos de Laclos, Prefaces to Les liaisons dangereuses (7pp.)

Bertold Brecht, “Das epische Theater”, pp. 51-64 (14pp.)

Catherine Gallagher, Nobody's Story (ch. “Nobody’s Credit” pp. 157-174) (18pp.)

Publisert 1. juni 2017 11:17 - Sist endret 1. juni 2017 11:17