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Bakke, Elisabeth (red.): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989, 2006. Samlaget. Kap. 1-9 og 13.

*** Beyme, Klaus von, Constitutional Engineering in Central and Eastern Europe, i White, S. et. al. (eds): Constitutional Engineering in Central and Eastern Europe, 2003. (Kap. 11).

* Beichelt, Timm, Euro-Skepticism in the EU Accession Countries, i: Comparative European Politics, 2004, 2, 1.;jsessionid=CA00F28290E8F96EF5609FB10FFCF72C.

* Hanley, Seán, Getting the right right: redifining the centre-right in post-communist Europe, i: Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2004.

*** Jungerstam-Mulders, Susanne, Party System Change in Post-Communist EU Member States, i Jungerstam-Mulders, Susanne (ed.): Post-Communist EU Member States, Parties and Party Systems, 2006. Aldershot Ashgate. (kap. 10).

* Seleny, Anna, Communism's many legacies in East-Central Europe, i: Journal of Democracy, Volume 18, Number 3, July 2007.



*** Brubaker, Rogers, National minorities, nationalizing states, and external national homelands in the New Europe, i Brubaker, Rogers: Nationalism reframed, 1996. Cambridge University Press. (Kap. 3).

*** Brubaker, Rogers: Ethnicity without Groups, 2004. Harvard University Press. Kap. 1 (Ethnicity without Groups) og 6 ("Civic" and "Ethnic" Nationalism).

* Eide, Asbj?rn, International Cooperation for Group Accommodation through Minority Protection: A Reveiw of Standard Setting and Institution Building at Regional and Global Levels: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 13: 2006.

** Halász, Iván, Blázs Majtényi, Balázs Vizi, A New Regime og Minority Protection? Preferential Treatment of kin minorities under National and International Law, i Zoltán Kántor et. al. (eds.): The Hungarian Status Law: Nation Building and/or Minority Protection, 2004. Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University. (Kap. 12).

*** Heinze, Hans-Joachim, On the legal understanding of autonomy, i Suksi, Markku: Autonomy: Applicatins and Implications, 1998. Kluwer Law International. (Side 7-32).

*** Kymlicka, Will, The New Debate on Minority Rights, i Requejo, F. (ed.): Democracy and National Pluralism, 2001. Routledge. (Kap. 2).

*** Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Oddysseys. Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity, 2007. Oxford University Press. Kap. 2, The Shifting International Context: From Post-War Universal Human Rights to Post-Cold War Minority Rights, og Kap. 6, The European Experiment.

Minoriteter i Baltikum

* Ginkel, John, Identity construction in Latvia's "singing revolution": why inter-ethnic conflict failed to occur: Nationalities Papers, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2002.

* Johns, Michael, "Do As I Say, Not As I Do": The European Union, Eastern Europe and Minority Rights: East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2003.

** Kallonen, Markko: Minority protection and linguistic rights in Lithuania, 2004. Noves SL. Revista de Sociolingüistica.

*** Kasatkina, Natalija & Vida Beresneviciute: Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Lithuania, 2004. United Nation's Research Institute for Social Development. Side 7-30.

*** Pabriks, Artis: In Defiance of Fate. Ethnic Structure and Governance of the Public Sector in Latvia, 2003. United Nation's Research Institute for Social Development. Conclusion.

** Steen, Anton, Accessioning Liberal Compliance? Baltic Elites and Ethnic Politics under New International Conditions: International Journal on Minority Group Rights, 13, 2006.

* Vihalemn, Triin and Anu Masso, (Re)Construction of Collective Identities after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union: The Case of Estonia: Nationalities Papers , Vol. 35, No. 1, March 2007.

Minoriteter i Polen

*** Flemming, Michael: National Minorities in Post-Communist Poland, 2006. Veritas Foundation Publication Centre. Side 1-17 og 262-281.

*** Malicka, Agnieszka and Karina Zabielska, Legal Status of National Minoriteis in Poland: The Act on National and Ethnic Minorities as well as Regional Language: European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2005/6, 2007. European Center for Minority Issues. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Side 271-284.

* Vermeersch, Peter, A Minority at the Border: EU Enlargement and the Ukrainian Minority in Poland: East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 21, 2007.

* Vermeersch, Peter, Minority Policy in Central Europe: Exploring the Impact of the EU's Enlargement Strategy: The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol. 3, No. 2, January 2004.

Minoriteter i Tsjekkia

* Cordell, Karl, Ethnic Germans in Poland and the Czech Republic: a comparative evaluation: Nationalities Papers, Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2005.

*** Guy, Will, The Czech lands and Slovakia: another false dawn? i Guy, Will: Between past and future, the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, 2001. (Kap. 13).

*** Larmola, Heikki, Tsjekkien i EU - f?r sudenfr?gan sin l?sning: Nordisk ?st-Forum, 18 (1) 2004.

Minoriteter i Slovakia

* Buti?iková, Alexandra, Slovakia: An Anthropological Perspective on Identity and Regional Reform: Regional and Federal Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2.

* Nedelsky, Nadia, Constitutional nationalism's implication for minority rights and democratization: the case of Slovakia: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 26, No.1, January 2003.

Minoriteter i Ungarn

*** Jenne, Erin J.: Ethnic Bargaining. The Paradox of Minority Enpowerment, 2007. Cornell University Press. Kapittel 4 (Triadic Ethnic Bargaining: Hungarian Minorities in Postcommunist Slovakia and Romania).

* Kovács, Mária M., The Politics of Dual Citizenship in Hungary: Citizenship Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, September 2006.

*** Majtényi, Balázs, What Has Happened to Our Model Child? The Creation and Evolution of the Hungarian Minority Act: European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2005/6, 2007. European Centre for Minority Rights. Martinus Niljhoss Publishers. Side 297-419.

** Vizi, Balázs, The Evaluation of the 'Status Law' in the European Union, i Ieda, Osamu (ed.) : Beyond Sovereignty: From Status Law to Transnational Citizenship?, 2006. Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University.


Publisert 22. okt. 2007 17:25 - Sist endret 5. nov. 2020 09:53