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Barwiński, Marek (2013) Polish Interstate Relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania After 1990 in the Context of the Situation of National Minorities, European Spatial Research and Policy, Volume 20, Issue 1

Baub?ck Rainer, Bernhard Perchinig, Wiebke Sievers (eds.) (2009 NB: Les 2009-utgaven, ikke 2007-utgavem av boken): Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. side 45-176, 249-304

* Berglund, Sten, Joakim EkmanFrank H. Aarebrot (eds.) (2013) Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe, Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. Kap. 1-10

* Brubaker, Rogers, National minorities, nationalizing states, and external national homelands in the New Europe, i Brubaker, Rogers (1996) Nationalism reframed, Cambridge University Press. (Kap. 3).

* Brubaker, Rogers (2004) Ethnicity without Groups. Harvard University Press. Kap. 1 (Ethnicity without Groups) og 6 ("Civic" and "Ethnic" Nationalism).

Cordell, Karl (2005) Ethnic Germans in Poland and the Czech Republic: a comparative evaluation, Nationalities Papers, Vol. 33, No. 2.

Golubeva, Maria (2010) Different History, Different Citizenship? Competing Narratives and Diverging Civil Enculturation in Majority and Minority Schools in Estonia and Latvia, Journal of Baltic Studies,  Volume 41, Issue 3.

* Jenne, Erin (2007) Ethnic Bargaining. The Paradox of Minority Empowerment, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. side 91-125.

Karácsony, Gergely and Dániel Róna (2011) Reasons behind the rise of the Hungarian radical right, Journal of East European and Asian Studies, Vol. 2 No 1

Kymlicka, Will (2007) Multicultural Odysseys. Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2, The Shifting International Context: From Post-War Universal Human Rights to Post-Cold War Minority Rights, og Kap. 6, The European Experiment.

MacDonald, Fiona (2010) Relational Group Autonomy: Ethics of Care and the Multiculturalism Paradigm: Hyptia, vol. 25. no. 1.;jsessionid=64FB0C472AC3D8BC5386C279A6FDF3BE.d02t03?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+will+be+unavailable+17+Dec+from+10-13+GMT+for+IT+maintenance

Nimmerfeldt, Gerli , Jennie Schulze & Marti Taru (2011) The Relationship between Integration Dimensions among Second Generation Russians in Estonia,  Studies of Transition States and Societies, Vol 3 / Issue 1.

Pogány, István (2013) Pariah Peoples: Roma and the Multiple Failures of Law in Central and Eastern Europe, Socal & Legal Studies, Vol. 21 No. 3.

Pogonyi, Szabolcs (2011) Dual Citizenship and sovereignty: Nationalities Papers, Vol. 39, No. 5, September.

Potaschenko, Grigorijus (2010) Russians of Lithuania (1990-2010): Integration in Civil Society: Ethnicity, 3, pp 99-108.

Rechel, Bernd (2010 - NB bruk 2010-utgaven av boken) Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Routledge. kapittel 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 (dvs. alt, unntatt kapitlene 1, 6, 13, 15).

Ringold, Dena, Mitchell Alexander Orenstein, Erika Wilkens (2005) Roma in an expanding Europe: Breaking the poverty cycle, Washington, D.C. : World Bank. (Boken finnes som e-bok ved UB).

* Sergeiu, Constantin (2010) The Legal and Institutional Framework for National Minorities in Slovakia: Revue, No. 63.

UNHCR, Human Rights Watch (1996) Roma in the Czech Republic. Foreigners in their own Land, Vol. 8, No. 11.

Vasilevich, Hanna (2013) Lithuania's Minority-Related Legislation: Is There a Legal Vacuum? ECMI Working Papers, Issue 70.

* W?och, Renata (2013) Poland: Multiculturalism in the Making? i: Taras, Ray, Challenging Multiculturalism: European Models of Diversity, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

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Publisert 3. des. 2013 14:46 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2021 13:53