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Teorier om nasjon, nasjonalisme, nasjonal identitet, etnisk gruppe

* Clark, Colin (2013) The nation-state. Civic and ethnic dimensions, i: Cordell, Karl, Stefan Wolff, Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. New York: Routledge. 12 sider

* László, János (2015) Historical Tales and National Identity. An introduction to narrative social psychology. London and New York: Routledge. Kap. 3 (National Identity) 11 sider.

?zkirimli, Umut (2010) Theories of Nationalism. A Critical Introduction. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. 210 sider


Aspekter ved nasjonal identitet i ?st-Europa i dag

Adam Hudek (2011) Between Czechs and Hungarians: Constructing the Slovak National Identity from 19th Century to the Present. History Compass, Volume 9, Issue 4. 10 sider. 

Bieber, Florian (2015) The Construction of National Identity and its Challenges in Post-Yugoslav Censuses. Social Science Quarterly, Vol.96(3). 30 sider.

* Galent, Marcin,  Kubicki, Pawel  (2010) Polish national identity: from ethnic to civic model. The role of urban culture. UNSW Colloquia, Vol.17, 18 sider

Keneva, Nadia (2011) National identity lite. Nation branding in post-Communist Romania and Bulgaria.  International  Journal of Cultural studies Volume 14(2). 11 sider.

Lenka Dra?anová (2015) National Identity and the Interplay between National Pride and Ethnic Exclusionism: The Exceptional Case of the Czech Republic Ethnopolitics Volume 14, Issue 3. 18 sider.

?rkékny Antal (2005) Hungarian National Identity: Old and New Challenges. International Journal of Sociology. 35:4. 18 sider


Nasjon – multietnisitet - konflikt

* Cordell, Karl, Stefan Wolff (2010) Ethnic Conflict. Causes – Consequences – Responses. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kap. 3, 4. 50 sider.

* Hughes, James (2013) Genocide, i: Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. New York: Routledge. 15 sider

* Jenne, Erin K. (2013) The causes and consequences of ethnic cleansing, i: Cordell, Karl, Stefan Wolff, Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. New York: Routledge.  10 sider

* Kaufman, Stuart J. (2013) Ethnicity as a generator of conflict, i: Cordell, Karl, Stefan Wolff (2013) Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. New York: Routledge. 10 sider


Minoritetspolitikk som hinder for etnisk konflikt? Historisk utvikling, status i dag.

Brubaker, Rogers (1995) National Minorities, Nationalizing States, and External National Homelands in the New Europe, Daedalus, Vol. 124, No. 2. 26 sider.

* Marko, Josef (2013) Human Rights and ethnopolitics, i: Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. New York: Routledge. 12 sider

Haklai, Oded (2015) From Independent Statehood to Minority Rights: The Evolution of National Self-determination as an International Order Principle in the Post-State Formation Era. Ethnopolitics, 14:5. 8 sider.

* Kochenow, Dimitry (2015) The European Union’s Troublesom Minority Protection i: Will Kymlicka, International approaches to governing ethnic diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 20 sider

* Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Odysseys. Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity, 2007. Oxford University Press. Kap. 2, The Shifting International Context: From Post-War Universal Human Rights to Post-Cold War Minority Rights, og Kap. 6, The European Experiment. Ca. 100 sider

* Peroni, Lourdes (2015) Minorities before the European Court of Human Rights, i Boulden, Jane, Will Kymlicka, International approaches to governing ethnic diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 25 sider

* Weller, Marc, Stefan Wolff (2005) Self-determination and autonomy: a conceptual Introduction, i:  Autonomy, Self Governance and Conflict Resolution: Innovative approaches to Institutional design in divided societies.  New York: Routledge. 25 sider


Minoriteter, minoritetspolitikk og hjemlandpolitikk (kin-state politics) i ?st-Europa

Lodzinski, Slawomir (2009) Between History and Europe. Europeanization of Post-1989 National Minority Policy in Poland. Polish Sociological Review No. 168. 16 sider.

Petsinis, Vassilis (2013): Croatia’s Framework for Minority Rights: New Legal Prospects within the Context of European Integration. Ethnopolitics, 12:4. 13 sider.

Pogány, István (2012) Pariah Peoples: Roma and the Multiple Failures of Law in Central and Eastern Europe. Social & Legal Studies. 21(3). 16 sider.

Pogonyi, Szabolcs (2011) Dual Citizenship and sovereignty: Nationalities Papers, Vol. 39, No. 5, September. 16 sider .

Pogonyi, Szabolcs, Mária M. Kovács, Zsolt K?rtvélyesi (2010) The Politics of external kin-state citizenship in East Central Europe. EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School. 17 sider

* Rechel, Bernd (2010) Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Routledge. kapittel 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15. Ca 150 sider.

Reuter, Tina Kempin (2012) Including Minority Rights in Peace Agreements: A Benefit or Obstacle to Peace Processes after Ethnic Conflicts? International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol.19(4) 30 sider.

* Sergeiu, Constantin (2010) The Legal and Institutional Framework for National Minorities in Slovakia: Revue, No. 63. 18 sider

Zuber, Christina Isabel & Jan Jakub Mus (2013) Representative claims and expected gains. Minority council elections and intra-ethnic competition in Serbia, East European Politics, 29:1. 16 sider


Publisert 13. jan. 2016 16:24 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2016 13:27