
Agawu, Kofi: “How we got out of analysis and how to get back in again”. Music Analysis, 23 (2004), pp. 267-86 (20 s).

Bent, Margaret: “The Grammar of Early Music: Preconditions for Analysis”. In Cristle Collins Judd (ed.), Tonal Structures in Early Music (New York, 1998): 15-59 (45 s).

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Kerman, Joseph: "How We Got Into Analysis, and How to Get Out". Critical Inquiry. Winter 1980, pp. 311–331 (21 s)

Kjerschow, Peder Chr.: Tenkningen som deltagelse. Musikken som utfordring for tenkningens selvforst?else, 1993. Solum Forlag, Oslo (100 s). (Akademika)

Nielsen, Nanette. "Music and Philosophy for an Unravelling Word." Thoughts (2017), pp. 53-57 (5 s).

Nielsen, Nanette and Cobussen, Marcel. "Introduction." In Nielsen and Cobussen eds. Music and Ethics. Aldershot (2012), pp. 1-12 (13 s).

Nielsen, Nanette and Cobussen, Marcel. "Engagment." In Nielsen and Cobussen eds. Music and Ethics. Aldershot (2012), pp. 155-66 (12 s).

Middleton, Richard: "Introduction: Music Studies and the Idea of Culture." In Clayton, Herbert & Middleton, eds. The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction (New York and London 2003), pp. 1-17 (18 s).

Ruud, Even. Kap. 3: ”Musikkantropologi.”  In Musikkvitenskap (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2016), pp. 119-144 (26 s). (Akademika)

Sundberg, Ove Kr.: Musikktenkningens historie: Antikken, 2002. Solum Forlag, Oslo (100 s). (Akademika)

Treitler, Leo: “What Kind of Story is History?”. In Music and the Historical Imagination (Cambridge MA, 1989), pp. 157-75 (19 s)

Weisethaunet, Hans. ”Musikalsk mening – Starting all over again.” Svensk tidsskrift f?r musikforskning (2008), pp. 11-28 (18 s)


Publisert 1. aug. 2019 14:23 - Sist endret 27. nov. 2019 17:47