

Ruud, Even (2016): Musikkvitenskap, Universitetsforlaget, s. 15-38, 305-316.

Historie, analyse, estetikk

Bent, Ian : "Analysis" i Grove Music Online

Bowie, Andrew/Lydia Goehr: "Aesthetics, 1750–2000" i Grove Music Online

McClary, Susan: "Narrative Agendas in 'Absolute' Music: Identity and Difference in Brahms' Third Symphony" i Ruth Sollie (red.): Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship, 2003. University of California Press. S. 326-344.

Ruud, Even (2016): Musikkvitenskap, Universitetsforlaget, s.173-275.

Treitler, Leo : "The Historiography of Music: Issues of Past and Present" i Cook/Everist: Rethinking Music, 1999. Oxford University Press. S. 356 – 377.

Musikkognitiv teori

Justus, T. C. & Bharucha, J. J. : "Music Perception and Cognition" i S. Yantis og H. Pashler (red.): Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Volume 1: Sensation and Perception (Third Edition), 2002. New York: Wiley. S. 453-492. Finnes ogs? p? web: .

Jensenius, A. R., Wanderley, M. M., God?y, R. I. og Leman, M.: "Musical Gestures. Concepts and Methods in Research" og God?y, R.I.: "Gestural affordances of musical sound" i God?y, R. I. og Leman, M. (red.): Musical Gestures: Sound, Movement, and Meaning, 2010. New York: Routledge. S. 12-35 og s. 103-125.

John Pierce (1999): Sound Waves and Sine Waves. Kapittel 4 i P. Cook (red.) Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound, Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. (e-bok tilgjengelig i Bibsys)

Ruud, Even (2016): Musikkvitenskap, Universitetsforlaget, s. 39-78.

Musikk, kultur, samfunn

1. Popul?rmusikkstudier

Moore, Allan F.: "Introduction" i Critical Essays in Popular Musicology, 2007. Ashgate. S. ix-xxii.

Toynbee, Jason: "Genre-cultures" i Making Popular Music: Musicians, Creativity and Institutions, 2000. London: Arnold. Kap. 4 (s. 102-129).

Tagg, Philip : "Analysing Popular Music: Theory, Method, and Practice" i Middleton, Richard (red.): Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music, 2000. Oxford University Press. S. 71-103.

2. Musikkpedagogikk/musikkterapi

Ruud, Even (2016): Musikkvitenskap, Universitetsforlaget, s. 80-118, 276-304.

3. Musikkantropologi/musikksosiologi

Born, Georgina: "Music and the Social" i Clayton, M., Herbert, T. & Middleton, R. (red): The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction, 2nd edition, 2012. New York/London: Routledge. S. 261-274. 

Geertz, Clifford: "Art as a Cultural System" i Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology, 1983. New York: Basic Books. S. 94-120 .

Feld, Steven: "Communication, Music and Speech about Music" i Feld, Steven & Keil, Charles: Music Grooves, 1994. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. S. 77-95.

Lysloff, René T. A.: "Musical Life in Softcity: An Internet Ethnography" i Lysloff, René T. A. & Gay, Jr. (red), Leslie C.: Music and Technoculture, 2003. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. S. 23-63.

Ruud, Even (2016): Musikkvitenskap, Universitetsforlaget, s. 119-171.


Publisert 23. aug. 2016 13:38 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2016 13:38