Message from Maria

Dear all,

Next week you will meet Ambassador Petter Wille who has a long experience in working before the UN and the Council of Europe. For this lecture I would like you to consult the webpage of the OHCHR on the Universal Periodic Review and familiarize yourselves with the documents available for NORWAY and CHINA. Reflect on the procedure and what it entails for different countries and thereafter discuss with your lecturer. At this lecture we will also (if time alllows) adress the right to self-determination briefly. Have a look at the documents which are indicated in the course outline and think about the development of the right to self-determination.

Lecture 3 will be an introduction to the regional European system and you have two cases to prepare for presentation and discussion in class.

Course outline and  Materials are available on FRONTER.

Best regards,


Published Aug. 27, 2015 3:59 PM