Semester page for JUS5570 - Spring 2018



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Important regarding revision of Mock exam 23 April:

See previous exam question spring 2015:


You are not supposed to hand in any paper, but please note the following:

In order to benefit from the mock exam lecture, it is crucial that you try to solve each of the exam questions beforehand. If possible, you are encouraged to work together with (an)other student(s).

You are advised to consult your textbook with regard to the following issues dealt with in the mock exam:


- The authority of the Security Council to refer situations to the ICC

- The authority of the Security Council to make the Rome Statute binding on a non-state party

- The immunity of an incumbent (sitting) preside...

Apr. 17, 2018 1:08 PM

If you have questions regarding the 4-hour "digital school exam"/ "open book" exam  you are welcome to drop by and speak with student advisors, 13 April from 13.00- 14.00 in Aud. 5, DA, 2 th.floor, Domus Academica. Please check the course website regarding the examination regulations for your exam(s). If your exam is not an "open book" examination, read carefully the regulation for what materials you may bring and how to make references.

 We recommend that you read carefully all information, the FAQ regarding the "guidelines for the 4 hour written examination", and listen to the exam tips video posted on the course website. See also ...

Apr. 6, 2018 12:46 PM