Semester page for JUS5910 - Spring 2014



This course uses the learning platform Fronter.

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Cand 6010-6021 Kirsten Ketscher mail: oppgi kandnr og tlfnr, cand 6022-6033 Vibeke Blaker Strand tlf 22842092
June 11, 2014 10:54 AM

Mock exam- submission in Fronter- deadline 21 April

You will find the mock exam question and Instruction in Fronter. Submission deadline 23 April.

  1. Find the Fronter room: JUS5910 Fellesrom-2014
  2. Go to the folder “Mock Exam”, and submit in the “Hand-in folder -master’s level”.


Apr. 4, 2014 3:33 PM

Please note that  the lecture of 25 April is rescheduled to 29 April 10.15.See updated time table, and note that the next lecture  11 April.

Apr. 3, 2014 10:31 AM