
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2007Egil Leer? Rom 304? Fluids, mass conservation? ?
23.08.2007? ? Newton?s 2. law for fluids? 09.15-10.00?
23.08.2007? ? Div., grad, and curl? 13.15-15.00?
28.08.2007? ? Example 1.2.1, Isothermal solar wind? 15.15-17.00?
30.08.2007? ? Energy equation for fluids? 09.15-10.00?
30.08.2007? ? Problems: 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3? 13.15-15.00?
04.09.2007? ? Energy equation for fluids? 15.15-17.00?
06.09.2007? ? Instabilities? 09.15-10.00?
06.09.2007? ? Problem 1.3.2 and Example 1.3.1? 13.15-15.00?
10.09.2007Pick up of take-home problems in ITA office? ? ? Home work due Sept. 17, 10.00 am?
11.09.2007? ? Rotating frame of reference? 15.15-17.00?
13.09.2007? ? Navier-Stokes equations? 09.15-10.00?
13.09.2007? ? Work on Oblig. 1? 13.15-15.00?
18.09.2007? ? No lecture.? PhD thesis defence, ?se Marit Janse?
20.09.2007? ? Acoustic waves? 09.15-10.00. Hand-out of lecture notes; Chapter 2.?
20.09.2007? ? Problems; 1.3.1, 1.4.1, 1.5.1? 13.15-15.00?
25.09.2007? ? Energy transport in acoustic waves, Shock waves.? 15.15-17.00?
27.09.2007? ? Shock waves? 09.15-10.00?
27.09.2007? ? Problem 2.1.1 and 2.2.1. Example 2.1.1.? 13.15-15.00?
02.10.2007? ? Ionization fronts? 15.15-17.00?
04.10.2007? ? Summary of Chapter 2? 09.15-10.00?
04.10.2007? ? Problem 2.2.5 and 2.3.2? 13.15-15.00?
08.10.2007? ? Midterm exam? 09.00-12.00 ?
09.10.2007? ? Week 41, October 8. - 13. No lectures.? ?
16.10.2007? ? Star formation. ? 15.15-17.00 Hand-out of notes, Chapter 3?
18.10.2007? ? Virial theorem? 09.15-10.00?
18.10.2007? ? Discussion of midterm problems, and 2.4.1 2.4.2 and 2.4.3? 13.15-15.00?
23.10.2007? ? Collaps of clouds? 15.15-17.00?
25.10.2007? ? Summary of Chapter 3? 09.15-10.00?
25.10.2007? ? Problems 2.4.4 3.0.5 3.0.6? 13.15-15.00?
30.10.2007? ? MHD. ? 15.15-17.00 Hand-out of notes, Chapter 4.?
01.11.2007? ? MHD? 09.15-10.00?
01.11.2007? ? Problems 3.1.1 and 3.3.1? 13.15-15.00?
05.11.2007Pick-up of take-home problems, 10.00 am.? ? ? Take-home problems: Due in ITA-office 12.11.07, 10.00 am.?
06.11.2007? ? MHD-waves? 15.15-17.00?
08.11.2007? ? MHD-waves? 09.15-10.00?
08.11.2007? ? Work on take-home problems? 13.15-15.00?
13.11.2007? ? Wind from magnetic stars? 15.15-17.00?
15.11.2007? ? Summary of chapter 4? 09.15-10.00?
15.11.2007? ? Problem 4.2.3? 13.15-15.00?
20.11.2007? ? Kinetic description of gases? 15.15-17.00 Hand-out of notes, Chapter 5?
22.11.2007? ? Kinetic and hydrodynamic description? 09.15-10.00?
22.11.2007? ? Problems 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.2.2? 13.15-15.00?
27.11.2007? ? Examples, kinetic description? 15.15-17.00?
29.11.2007? ? Summary of Chapter 5? 09.15-10.00?
29.11.2007? ? Problems 5.2.1 and 5.2.3? 13.15-15.00?
04.12.2007? ? Question and answer session? 15.15-17.00?
Publisert 28. aug. 2007 15:19 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2007 12:33