
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.11.2004?ystein? ? Exercise session, final words? ?
22.11.2004?ystein? ? The CMB? see notes?
17.11.2004?ystein? ? Statistics of density perturbations, the CMB? see notes?
15.11.2004?ystein? ? Structure formation? See notes?
10.11.2004? ? No problem session because of home exam 2? ?
08.11.2004?ystein? ? Structure formation? ?
03.11.2004?ystein? ? Structure formation? Notes will be handed out?
01.11.2004?ystein? ? Nucleosynthesis, recombination? C&L 8.6, 9.3?
27.10.2004?ystein? ? Problems 10,11,12,13? ?
25.10.2004?ystein? ? Early universe thermodynamics. Neutrino decoupling. Nucleosynthesis? C&L 8.4, 8.6?
20.10.2004?ystein? ? Problems 8,9 & start of 10 on the problem sheet handed out? ?
18.10.2004?ystein? ? Particles of the Standard Model, thermodynamics in the early universe? C&L 8.1,8.2,8.3?
13.10.2004? ? No lectures this week? ?
11.10.2004? ? No lectures this week? ?
06.01.2004?ystein? ? Inflation: reheating and density perturbations? ?
04.10.2004?ystein? ? The slow-roll approximation. A worked example? ?
29.09.2004Kathinka? ? Solution of home exam? ?
27.09.2004No lectures this week? ? ? ?
22.09.2004?ystein? ? Inflation: scalar field models. ? C&L 7.10+7.11?
20.09.2004?ystein? ITA? Horizons in cosmology (C&L 2.8). Motivation for inflation: the flatness problem and the horizon problem (C&L 7.8.1, 7.9.1). Inflation: the basic idea (C&L 7.8.2)? ?
15.09.2004Everyone? ITA? Problems 6 & 7 on the problem sheets? ?
13.09.2004?ystein? ITA? Classical cosmological models continued: models with curvature (C&L 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)? ?
08.09.2004Everyone? ITA? Problems 4 & 5 on the problem sheets? ?
06.09.2004?ystein? ITA? Density parameters (C&L 1.13), the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift (C&L 2.1), classical cosmological models (C&L 2.2)? ?
01.09.2004Everyone? ? Problem 2 & 3 on the problem sheets? ?
30.08.2004?ystein? ITA? Proper distance, Hubble's law (C&L 1.4), redshift (C&L 1.5), the deceleration parameter (C&L 1.6), distances (C&L 1.7), density parameters (C&L 1.13)? ?
25.08.2004?ystein? ITA? Lecture+problem solving session? The continuity equation (C&L 1.10), the cosmological constant (C&L 1.12). The solution of problem 1 in the problem set, which involved solving the Friedmann equation for flat universe models with matter, radiation, or a cosmological constant. ?
18.08.2004?ystein? ITA? Finish intro to GR. Introduce the Friedmann equations? C&L 1.2,1.3,1.10,1.11?
16.08.2004?ystein? ITA? F?rst info om kurset og litt peptalk. Deretter: GR med harelabb? Coles & Lucchin (C&L) 1.2, 1.3?
Publisert 10. aug. 2004 18:51 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2004 10:27