Weekly plans and update for week 44

Hi everybody,

we hope all is going fine with project 2. Last week we started discussing decision trees and the algorithms for setting up the trees such as the ID3 algorithm. We continue this week with the ID3 algorithm and the so-called CART (Classification and Regression Tree) algorithm. We will discuss these algorithms in more detail with code examples etc this Thursday before we move over to bagging, boosting, bootstrapping and random forests this Friday. This material is well covered by Geron Aurelien's text chapters 6 and 7 and lecture slides on decision trees (some minor updates to come later today). The text by hastie et al has a discussion of these topics although not very satisfactory) i chapters 9.2, 10.1-10.4 and partly 10.9.

Best wishes to you all and see you tomorrow.

Hanna, Lucas, Morten, Stian and ?yvind



Publisert 30. okt. 2019 05:26 - Sist endret 30. okt. 2019 05:26