Weekly plans and update for week 42. Digital lab only this week

Dear, we hope you all are doing well. We have had an unfortunate outbreak of covid-19 due to a party at a nearby dorm. The consequences for us is that we have to run the Wednesday lab session as online labs only.

The zoom link is the same as the one for the two digital labs, that is 

Zoom link

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Next week we will most likely return to  normal in-person sessions (except for the two digital labs).


Else, last week we finalized our discussion on feed forward neural networks and how to write our own code (highly relevant for project 2). We discussed also how to use the API (application programming interface) Keras and tensorflow in order to set up a feed forward neural network. We ended with a motivation for why convolutional NNs are better for image classification problems. This week our focus is thus on convolutional neural networks (Thursday) and recurrent neural networks (Friday).

The textbook og Geron, chapters 13 and 14 gives a good coverage of the topic. The slides or week 42 (some updates will be added tomorrow) are at https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/pub/week42/html/week42-bs.html

If we get time we may also discuss Autoencoders (Geron chapter 15). 


Best wishes to you all,

Kristian, Michael, Morten, Nicolai, Per-Dimitri, Stian and ?yvind

Publisert 13. okt. 2020 22:45 - Sist endret 13. okt. 2020 22:45