Plans for week 38

Dear all, we hope you are all doing well and had a great weekend.

This week we start with a discussion of logistic regression and our first encounter with classification problems. This serves also as a motivation for introducing gradient methods since we no longer end up with nice analytical expressions for the optimal parameters beta.

The plans for this week are

Material for the active learning sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Material for the lecture on Thursday September 21.

For the lab sessions we recommend revisiting the material from last week on resampling methods, as these form the last part to be included in the project. The exercises this week can again be included in the project. The exercises next week focus on writing the report and deal simply with you writing an abstract, an introduction and adding references. Hopefully that will get you all started with writing the report.


Best wishes to you all,

Adam, Daniel,, Fahimeh, Ida, Karl Henrik, Mia and Morten

Publisert 18. sep. 2023 07:56 - Sist endret 18. sep. 2023 07:56