Machine learning summer job

Are you interested in learning more about the northern lights (aurora) while using the latest machine learning technology? Are you willing to put down a week's worth of labor on a relatively senseless categorization task in order to reap rich rewards afterwards? If the answer is yes, then apply to, subject "Machine learning summer job". The application deadline is Monday, April 30.

It is nessecary that you
 - can work 4 weeks full time during the summer (July, August)
 - have a strong programming background
 - can work independently

Your application should include
 - a short cover letter
 - your CV
 - a list of the courses you have taken, incl grades
 - information about when you are available during the summer

Publisert 17. apr. 2018 13:15 - Sist endret 17. apr. 2018 13:15