The text for the voluntary …

The text for the voluntary (but recommended) numerical assignment is available here.

Taking into account the huge workload at the end of the term and collision with the mandatory lab exercises, we have decided to make this assignment voluntary. This means that solving the problem and delivering a good report might count in your favour with respect to your final grade, while failure to deliver will not be used against you.

All programming languages are permitted - please feel free to use the one with which you are most familiar. The assignment has been pre-tested in Matlab and Python.

A Gnuplot script for plotting is found here. Read the script for additional details.

The report should include short explanations and derivations, plots and the source code of your program.

The deadline for submitting solutions is Thursday, Dec. 3, at 15.00. Place: Room 144 (institute expedition office).

The report must be labelled with your candidate number (not your name). It should be submitted on paper in an easily legible format, and the language should be Norwegian or English.

Good luck!

Publisert 12. nov. 2009 15:03 - Sist endret 18. des. 2009 15:17