Lecture 4 Microstates and macrostates

Systems of many microscopic particles following reversible laws of motion have irreversible collective dynamics. The new concepts microstates, macrostates, multiplicity and most likely state will help explaining this apparent contradiction.

Lecture notes.

Video on microstates, macrostates and multiplicity. Example: two state model.

Video on multiplicity of 3 models: 2-state paramagnet, random walk and Einstein crystal

Video on mapping the Einstein model to a two state model


Video on Matlab calculation of multiplicity of coupled Einstein crystals and corresponding Matlab script


Video on Matlab simulation of "heat conduction" between coupled Einstein crystals and corresponding Matlab script


Is the development in this movie impossible or just very unlikely?



Publisert 28. aug. 2024 13:04 - Sist endret 28. aug. 2024 13:06