WEBVTT 00:01.664 --> 00:07.316 Now we are going to conduct an experiment with heat conduction. 00:07.664 --> 00:12.316 Here we have a metal block with a thermometer inside. 00:12.664 --> 00:17.316 This is an infrared camera that will take pictures. 00:17.664 --> 00:25.316 And here we have a computer that logs the temperatures measured by these thermometers. 00:25.664 --> 00:30.316 And then IĄŻm going to get a warm... 00:30.333 --> 00:35.254 metal block that I place on top of this one. 00:35.333 --> 00:37.254 And then we will see... 00:37.333 --> 00:44.254 Here in the IR camera, we can actually see the temperature, how it changes. 00:44.333 --> 00:47.254 And then we will measure it. 00:47.333 --> 00:56.254 So now IĄŻm going to get the hot block. ItĄŻs sitting here on a hot plate. 00:56.271 --> 01:20.708 Now IĄŻll pick up the hot metal block with this cloth 01:22.022 --> 01:32.903 Then I start the IR logging. And the temperature sensor logging. 01:33.022 --> 01:41.903 And then I start the video camera and insert the temperature sensor. 01:41.022 --> 01:51.903 There you can clearly see the hot metal block on top of the cold metal block. 01:52.000 --> 02.02.111 I will insulate a bit, so we don't lose too much heat on the sides. 02.02.664 --> 02:13.111 Now you see that the lower metal block is starting to become warmer. 02:13.920 --> 02:17.111 It has now perhaps become as warm as my finger. 02.17.920 --> 02:20.111 It was 20 degrees to begin with. 02:20.964 --> 02:31.196 And you see here that today the temperature rose very quickly. 02:31.964 --> 02:36.196 And so now, slowly, slowly, the temperature on the lower metal block is rising. 02:36.964 --> 02:42.196 While the temperature slowly decreases on the upper one. 02:42.964 --> 02:50.196 We just have to let this log by itself, and then we can use the data.