Alternative way to get mandatory assignments approved

As we discussed in the problem session yesterday, I am trying out an alternative way for you to get your mandatory assignments approved. It works like this: 

If you have finished the week's problem set by Friday afternoon, you may come to my office and get it reviewed live. If I deem it worthy of a pass*, you don't have to hand it in the coming Monday. Even though you don't have to write up your solution as a hand-in, it should be clearly readable and easy to follow.

We will go through your solution together and discuss it. Hopefully this will be more useful to you than getting a graded paper back! It is also a lot more motivating for me to meet you than write to you, so I hope many of you will use this option :)

Tomorrow, Friday January 26th, my "office hours" will be from 16.00 to 18.00. In the weeks following, they will be from 13.00 to 16.00. My office is in the hall surrounding Entropia, room FV105 (through the room with the printer). Depending on how many show up, I may not have time for everybody, and in that case it's first come, first serve.

* To pass an assigment, you should have made an honest attempt at solving all the problems, and 70% should be solved correctly. I will judge this based on the overall impression. The point of the mandatory assigments is not that you do everything right, but that you learn as much as possible! However, please refrain from showing up with something you don't think will pass (e.g. if you didn't attempt all the problems), as this takes time away from the other students.


Best, J?rgen

Publisert 25. jan. 2018 15:02 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2018 15:02