PS13, old exam problems etc..

I have posted problem set 13 which is mainly about PDEs. It is not for handing in but just as important as the other problem sets.

I have also posted a folder with exam problem sets and solutions from the previous years (one of them is part of problem set 13). You are very much encouraged to use these to practice and familiarise yourself with "typical" exam problems.

Finally, I have posted a short note on orthogonal functions, which will be lectured at the end of PDEs.

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: This is usually an important part of the course. Unfortunately we have lost several lectures this year due to public holidays and illness, so I will have to see next week to what extent I can fit this in at the end. If I find the time to lecture Laplace transforms, some problems and info on chapters will be posted. Otherwise it will be taken out of this year's curriculum. 

Publisert 2. mai 2018 11:33 - Sist endret 2. mai 2018 11:33